Chapter 2.

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It was a sunny day in District 12, me and Gale went hunting in the woods, just like old times. We were sitting with each other, plucking birds, and he leant in. We kissed. It wasn't like any of Peeta's kisses. Wait, Peeta. After the kiss, I ran. Ran and ran until-

I awoke with a shake. Me and Gale...

Where did that dream come from? Then i remembered. Gale was coming home.

"What was that dream about, you looked scared," Peeta asked. Crap, uhm, make something up.

"It- it was a flashback from the first Games. At the Cornucopia. I'm fine though."

He pulled me into a warm embrace. His arms consumed my worries as they all left my body, it's a peculiar gift that he had about him.

I heard a knock on the door. Probably Haymitch, requiring help to sober up for the 3rd time this month. We had both seen  each other at their worst so i padded downstairs and swung open the door.

It wasn't Haymitch.

"Gale!" I semi-shouted as he awkwardly pulled me into a hug, carefully avoiding my bump. We stood there holding each other. I guess I never realised how much I missed him.

We drew apart when Peeta came walking down. They shook hands and Gale sat himself down with me while Peeta made breakfast.

"So what are things like here in 12?" Gale asked.

"Pretty much normal now, just not nearly as much poverty as before the Rebellion. Hunting is not allowed nor prohibited, but people do it and the Peacekeepers don't seem to mind." Peeta said from the kitchen.

"Nice." Gale said

Something about him seemed off. "Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked him

"Sure, we can have a proper catch up in the woods." Gale warmly smiled.

I pulled some clothes on, slid on some boots and me and Gale were off. We didn't speak until we were way out of the way of town, just like we used to do.

"What's wrong?" I asked Gale. "I can tell when there's something on your mind."

He opened up to me. "It's just that, last night, before I got on the train, I broke up with my girlfriend."


"Yeah, we had been together for a year, but long distance isn't my thing. I miss her of course, but I'd much rather be here with you, and your new child by the looks of things."

"Oh, yeah, I'm due any week now." I replied.

"How are you and Peeta?" He asked. I don't think he ment it intrusively but it came across strange.

"Oh yeah, same old really, nothing particularly. It's was so boring Gale, trapped in one of the most impoverished districts while it's being rebuilt, before everyone moves back, only having Greasy Sae, Haymitch and Peeta to keep me sane. You really are a breath of fresh air." I revealed.

A comfortable silence followed. Neither of us knew what to say. It plagued me.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time." Gale said.

Before I got the chance to reply, we locked lips. It was way different to every time we had kissed before. There was more meaning, it wasn't just one of those things.

We parted. I smiled at him.

"I understand that you missed me Gale. Don't get me wrong, I missed you too. But at the moment, things are really great with Peeta. But, there are phases, many of them, where I become so inable to cope." I manage to say.

Gale replied "That's totally okay, but what do you mean phases?"

"The hijacking effects never truly left. Maybe once a month for a few days he just shuts off. Doesn't speak and if he does, it's not anything nice coming out. He- He hit me last month, I fell, we nearly lost the baby." I felt my bump protectively.

"He did what?" Gale raised his voice and quickened his pace back to Victor's Village.

"No! Gale your only going to make matters worse." I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Gale, I think the baby is coming!"

Well guys, thats chapter 2 done! Harsh, Gale got friendzoned hard! Will he take out his frustration on the people around him? Maybe get back at Peeta in the future? Who knows.

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