Chapter 13- Of course!

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Obito POV

It's been years since (Y/n) and I are dating. We also moved to another house. And with all of this, I guess I already have the enough time to... You know... I have been planning this for a while now. I just need one thing.

I went upstairs and went to my drawer. I have a secret place that (Y/n) did not know. I reached out for the glass container behind our clothes.


It's full! I've been doing this for like a year now. Maybe this is enough for the thing that I need to buy.

I opened the container and take away all of the money. I took my bag and put the money in my wallet. (Y/n) will be arriving at 3:00 so I still have plenty of time.

I went to the train station and went to the mall.

I went to the flower shop which is only beside the mall. I bought a bouquet of beautiful (favorite flower).

First mission, done.

Next, I went at the mall and at the second floor and head to the accessory shop.

I entered and looked for the accessory that I have been seeing for the past few weeks. Luckily it is still here.

I asked for assistance to get the accessory and went to the counter and paid for it.

Second mission, done.

I head back to our house and looked for the picnic cloth. I looked at the closet and finally saw it.

Third mission, done.

Now I went to a restaurant just near our house. I decided to reserve some (favorite flavor) cake

Fourth mission, done.

"Now I just need to go to the hill."

I got on my bike and went to the hill.

Few minutes layer I arrived there. It really brings a lot of memories.

From when we planted it, when we share our problems, when we shared our first kiss in 1st year that is not even supposed to happen, clumsy (Y/n), when we... Fight..... When I confessed to her... And when she became mine.

I placed the picnic cloth and the (favorite flower) nicely on the ground.

I looked at my watch.


"Wow, I didn't expect that it will took that long."

I hopped on my bike and went back to our house to wait for (Y/n).

I turned on the tv and waited for her.

For about an hour she already arrived.

"Hey (Y/n), how's work?"

"Iiit's just a normal work day. But at least we'll be having our payday on friday. I'm excited!"

"Hey (Y/n), how about we go somewhere."


"I'll tell you later. Let's just change our clothes."

After we changed our clothes I put the accessory that I bought earlier in my pocket. We then went outside and locked the door.

"We'll ride my bike."

"And where would I sit?"

"On the front of course!"

"As usual~"

"But before we go there we will need to get something."

"What is it?"

I went to the restaurant and paid for the cake that I reserved.


"We'll tie it here."

I got on the bike and (Y/n) sat on the front and head to the hill. (Y/n) saw the picnic cloth and the bouquet of (favorite flower).

"Hey, you planned this don't you?!"

"Of course. Now get off."

(Y/n) placed the cake on the cloth and sat. She picked up the (favorite flower) and smelled it.

"It's so nice!"

"Thank you."

"Wait, there's no fork!"

"It's inside the box."

"Oh.." [this just reminds me of Nagi.. Ok, I'll stop.]

We opened the box and I saw stars on (Y/n)'s eyes.

"(favorite flavor) CAKE!!!!"


"Can we eat it now???!!!!"

"Of course!"

We ate the cake. After that..

"Hey Obito, what is the real reason you brought me here? Wouldn't there be any reason because this is a bit unusual. I mean we could just get the cake and eat it in our house."

I just stand. I held my hand out for (Y/n). When she is standing I just held her hand.

"(Y/n), we've been dating for so long. Years past and we are bond is still this strong. I want this to be forevermore. So (Y/n) (L/n),"

I got on my knee and took the ring on my pocket.

"W-will you marry me?"

I saw (Y/n)'s eyes. She's about to cry.

"O-of course!!"

I placed the ring on (Y/n)'s finger and stand.

"I'm so happy Obito!"

"Me too (Y/n).."

"I love you!!!"

"I love you too!!"

We hugged each other.

We are so happy.

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