Weirdo (Koga X Maiko)

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(requested by wuduware!)

A/N: Warning! This one is a bit angsty!

Koga saw everyone else socializing. Koga was not with them. He didn't know how to talk to them...normally.
Whenever he talks to someone, they become weirded out by him.

"Why?" Koga said to himself.

"Why do I have to use these stupud puppets? I don't even know why I use them! I just have to in order to talk to people!"

Koga runs to his room. He yanks Uma and Shika off of his hands and throws them aside. He sits on his bed and begins to lightly sob. It had to happen to him of all people. Why him?

A few minutes later, Koga hears a soft knock on his door. He looks up.

"Uh, Koga-kun? You alright, dude?"

"G-Go away!"

"I just wanna help."

"Ugh, fine."

Koga got up and opened his door.
It was Maiko.
Koga reluctantly let Maiko inside of his room.

"What's going on, Koga-kun? I noticed you were really upset downstairs earlier."

Koga sat on his bed. "It's nothing, Maiko Kagura. You really wouldn't understand."

"Well, I can try to understand! That's what friends do!"

Koga froze. Friends?

"I'm your friend? But I'm not a very good on-"

"We get along. So therefore, we're friends. Please just tell me what's wrong! Maybe I can help!"

Koga stayed silent for a few moments before speaking.

"I just don't like speaking to people. I stand out too much!"

Maiko looked confused. "What do you mean? You do stand out, but in a good way! No one should want to blend in with the crowd!"

"I just don't like speaking through my puppets, okay?'

"Speaking of Uma-kun and Shika-kun, where are they?"

Koga points to the puppets on the ground.
Maiko turns around to see Uma and Shika, lying motionless on the carpet.

"Why did you take them off?" Maiko said. "I liked 'em!"

Koga sighed heavily and began his explanation.

"When I was little, I was the generic shy kid. I never spoke to any of the kids. I even got bullied because of it. Not just because of my shyness, but also because of my eyes, as well. So I decided to start talking with puppets. They make me feel more confident in myself. But the bullying just got worse. No matter what I tried, I would keep getting bullied. I couldn't become normal. One day, things went from worse to worst. My apartment caught on fire. I was playing with a horse puppet and a deer puppet when it happened. I smelled smoke and immediately ran out of my room. Uma and Shika were the only puppets that survived the fire. All of the others were burned to a crisp. And that's about it."

Maiko was speechless. She felt incredibly bad about forcing Koga to talk about his childhood trauma.

"Koga-kun, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"It's fine, Maiko Kagura. I guess now you know why I feel so uncomfortable talking to people."

"Well, Koga-kun, I have some advice for you!"

"What is it?"

"I was bullied when I was younger too. I've always loved to dance and move around. I've just never been able to stand still when talking to someone. The kids bullied me for it. It felt like crap. But my mom told me to ignore them. Others don't control your life. They don't have any say in what you do! I think you should ignore those bullies!"

Koga thought for a second.

"I guess you're right..."

"Mhm! We don't think you're annoying, Koga-kun. You can talk to us whenever you want!"

Koga got up from the bed, picked up Uma and Shika from off the floor, and slipped them back on to his hands.

"Thanks for the encouragement, Maiko Kagura!" Uma exclaimed.

"Yeah! You're the best!" Shika cheered.

Maiko chuckled. "You're welcome! Oh. One last thing."

"Hm? What is it?"

"What do you mean the kids made fun of your eyes? Come to think of it, I've never seen your eyes before!"

Koga seemed to become a bit embarrassed. "I don't really like how my eyes look."

"Come on! I bet they're just fine!"

"...Okay then."

Koga pulled back his long fringe to reveal his bright orange left eye, and light blue right eye.

"No way! You have heterochromia! That's sick, dude!"

"Oh! Are my eyes making you nauseous?"

"No. I meant sick as in cool! I love the contrasting colors!"

"You...really like them?"

"Hell yeah! Here ya go, dude!"

Maiko took out her ponytail and put it into Koga's hair, pulling back his fringe.

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