First breakup

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Lorenzo and Trinity have been dating for 2 years, they were named "the strongest couple" in high school. But, they've been having some trouble lately and some jealously issues. Trinity never lets Lorenzo go places with other girls but Lorenzo wants to. He wants to hang out in a big group but Trinity is never invited. Trinity wants to go with him but it always ends up a big fail. Trinity just wants Lorenzo to show some loyalty to her, it's not that hard but it is for Lorenzo.

It was 8 am in the morning, Trinity was holding hands with Lorenzo. Girls always look or check out Lorenzo and Trinity doesn't like that.
"Babe, do you see them?!" Said Trinity jealously.
Lorenzo looked at the girls who was looking at him.
"Chill Trinity, they ain't my girlfriend." Said Lorenzo.
Trinity rolled her eyes.
"You always do this, do you like them checking you out?" Said Trinity
"It's not my fault!" Said Lorenzo.
Trinity let go of Lorenzo's hand. She groaned.
"You know what, I'll see you at school." Said Trinity.
Then Trinity walked away quickly to school. Lorenzo stayed behind and was so annoyed.
When Trinity got to school, she met up with her girls, Hazel, Zoe, Maia and Amelia.
"Hey girls." Said Trinity sadly
"What's wrong?" Said Zoe
"It's just me and Lorenzo." Said Trinity
"What happened?" Said Amelia
"I think he's gonna break up with me." Said Trinity
"What? Why!?" Said Maia
"He thinks I have jealously problems and I do but I can't help it. I just wish he can be loyal for once!" Said Trinity
"If he can't do that, then he don't deserve you." Said Hazel.
Trinity looked at Hazel.
"Yeah, you're right, maybe I should break up with him." Said Trinity sadly.
Maia, Hazel, Amelia and Zoe all nod their heads.

   When Lorenzo got to school, he was feeling so annoyed and pressured by Trinity. He met up with his friends, Christian, Troy, Bryce and Zayn.
"Yo wassup man, you okay?" Said Zayn
"Nah man, it's Trinity again." Said Lorenzo
"What's going on." Said Christian
"She has hella jealousy problems." Said Lorenzo
"Well, can't you accept that?" Said Bryce.
Lorenzo looked at Bryce.
"Nope, I want a girl who isn't jealous." Said Lorenzo
"That'll be hard to find, all girls are jealous types." Said Troy
"Then I just gotta find the right one." Said Lorenzo
"You and Trinity gonna break up?" Said Christian
"I have to, she ain't the one for me." Said Lorenzo.

When school ended, Lorenzo and Trinity met up behind the school to talk things out. They were both facing each other.
"I think we both know what we have to say." Said Lorenzo
"Yeah." Said Trinity looking down
"Look at me." Said Lorenzo.
Trinity looked up.
"I'm so sorry." Said Lorenzo
"Not as sorry as I am, I thought you were the one for me." Said Trinity.
Lorenzo was speechless.
"You just couldn't accept my jealously and you couldn't show any loyalty to me." Said Trinity
"I did show loyalty to you." Said Lorenzo
"Yeah, back in 11th grade." Said Trinity
"I still do." Said Lorenzo
"No, you never did." Said Trinity
"Let's break up." Said Lorenzo.
Trinity knew it was the right idea but she didn't want to. She started to cry.
"We're off better alone." Said Lorenzo.
Then Lorenzo wrapped his arms around Trinity.
"You deserve someone better." Said Lorenzo.
Trinity wrapped her arms around Lorenzo's waist and now they were hugging.
"Can I get one last kiss." Said Trinity.
Lorenzo looked at Trinity and then gave her a kiss. That was their last kiss forever.
"Goodbye Trinity." Said Lorenzo.
Then Lorenzo left Trinity and went back to his boys. Trinity bent down and started to cry even more.
Trinity went back to her dorm with the other girls. She went to her room and started to think about her happy memories with Lorenzo. She deleted all of her pictures with Lorenzo on her phone which was a lot. She started to cry even more while deleting.
"Why can't you be the old Lorenzo, I loved the old Lorenzo better." Said Trinity crying.
Then Trinity took down her pictures with Lorenzo on her wall. Then she went on social media and changed her relationship status to single. Trinity's heart was broken into a million of pieces. Lorenzo had all of her heart and now it's gone, forever. She also had a lot of Lorenzo's hoodies and she has to return it.

Lorenzo went back to his dorm with the boys. He then deleted all the pictures of Trinity and changed his relationship status to single.
"I made the right choice, I hope I did." Said Lorenzo.
Then he saw this one picture of Trinity.
"God you're so beautiful." Said Lorenzo.
But he deleted the photo.
"It's time to move on anyways." Said Lorenzo.
He let out a big sigh and then closed his eyes.
"Hey Lorenzo! Wanna play football!" Shouted Christian
"Alright, coming!" Said Lorenzo.

The next day...
When Trinity was at school, she saw girls already coming up and talking to Lorenzo. She was so jealous but couldn't do anything about it.
"You're not mine anymore." Said Trinity.
Then she looked away and walked towards her locker. Lorenzo was looking at Trinity but didn't go up to her or even talk to her.
"So, I heard that you're single now." Said a girl.
Lorenzo ignored the girl and kept staring at Trinity. But then he realized that she ain't the one.
"Yeah, I'm single." Said Lorenzo.
The girls all smiled at each other and then looked at Lorenzo.
"I'm single too, and I'm really good in bed." Said a girl.
Lorenzo looked at that girl.
"Nice." Said Lorenzo.
But he didn't seem interested in any of the girls at all.

Trinity went towards her locker and there was Christian. His locker was right next to Trinity's.
"You okay?" Said Christian.
Trinity looked at Christian.
"Oh yeah, I'm okay." Said Trinity lying.
Christian knew Trinity was lying.
"If you lie, you will die at a young age." Said Christian.
Trinity instantly looked at Christian.
"Really?!" Said Trinity worriedly.
Then Christian smiled and laughed.
"Hey, that's not funny!" Said Trinity laughing
"You're laughing, so it is." Said Christian smiling.
Trinity looked at Christian and smiled.
"Well, ima go, see you around, Trinity." Said Christian smiling
"Bye, Christian." Said Trinity smiling.
Christian walked away and Trinity couldn't stop smiling.
"Why can't I stop smiling." Said Trinity smiling.
Then Christian turned back to look at Trinity and she was still looking at him. Christian smiled at Trinity and then faced front again.

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