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I always go on runs in the morning. I have so much energy in the morning so I use it for running. While I was running, I saw Troy and Zayn. I'm pretty good friends with him but we never really talk. Somehow, we all stopped and talked to each other.
"Hey guys." Said Hazel smiling
"Hey Hazel." Said Troy
"Damn, you look fine as hell." Said Zayn
"Thanks, Zayn." Said Hazel laughing
"Dude, Stop freaking her out." Said Troy.
I looked at Troy and he's so tall and hot. Zayn on the other hand reminds me of like a little brother.
"I ain't freaking her out." Said Zayn
"You kinda are." Said Hazel.
Zayn looked at me and I let out a small laugh.
"I meant it in a nice way...okay bye!" Said Zayn quickly,
Then he ran off. Me and Troy both laugh.
"Yes, he's always this childish." Said Troy
"Took the words out of my mouth." Said Hazel laughing.
Troy smiled at me and I smiled back. Wow, his smile is wow. He's so attractive too.
"So, where are you headed?" Said Hazel
"I'm on my way to the smoothie cafe, wanna come with?" Said Troy
"Let's do it." Said Hazel smiling.
We both ran to the smoothie cafe.

When we got to the smoothie cafe, Troy offered to pay and it was so nice of him.
"Thank you." Said Hazel
"You're welcome." Said Troy.
While I was drinking my smoothie, I looked up and saw Troy looking at me. His hazel eyes really pop out and it's so cool. He raised his eyebrow and I raised mine. Then we both laughed.
"You're cute to look at." Said Troy
"Oh really?" Said Hazel
"100%." Said Troy smiling
"You're not so bad yourself." Said Hazel smiling
"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment." Said Troy laughing.
I smiled at Troy and then went back to drinking my smoothie. Smoothies are so good.

I went to school and saw Troy with his friend group. I want to know Troy more because he's so cute, tall, athletic and sweet. That's my type and he is the type. Troy saw me and waved at me. I waved back and smiled. Then I saw Christian and Trinity go inside the janitor's closet together. That's weird, didn't Trinity date his best friend, Lorenzo? Eh, whatever.

1st hour...
I have this hour with Zayn. He's hot but like I don't see him like that...and I also think that he likes me.
"Hey Hazel." Said Zayn smiling
"Hi, Zayn." Said Hazel.
Zayn is also really funny, he's like the class clown but he gets in trouble a lot.
While we were suppose to be doing work, Zayn decided to disrupt the whole class with his dancing skills and an inappropriate song.
"Zayn, get down!" Whispered Hazel.
Zayn was just enjoying himself. He's cute like that but I swear, he gets in trouble because of this. Then Zayn pulled me up and now we were both dancing dancing. Well, he's making me dance with him!
"Hazel, Zayn! Go to the office now." Said the teacher.
Shit, I got in trouble. Ugh, I hate getting in trouble. Zayn got me in trouble, thanks to him. We were both sitting on the chairs waiting for the principal to come in.
"Zayn, this is all your fault." Said Hazel
"It was funny right." Said Zayn
"Yeah, but like I got in trouble because of you!" Said Hazel
"Okay okay, I'm sorry, I won't do it again." Said Zayn
"Good." Said Hazel
"Maybe." Said Zayn quickly
"What?!" Said Hazel
"Nothing!" Said Zayn laughing.
Zayn thinks he's slick but nope!
So, Zayn got in trouble and I didn't. Yes! While I was walking, I was looking down and I bumped into somebody's chest. I looked up and it was Troy.
"Troy!" Said Hazel surprisedly
"Hazel!" Said Troy smiling.
I smiled back.
"What a coincidence." Said Troy
"Right." Said Hazel smiling.
Troy somehow makes my heart beat so fast.
Then Troy bent down and grabbed something.
"This yours?" Said Troy.
Troy had a pencil in his hand and it was my pencil.
"Oh yeah, thank you." Said Hazel smiling.
Troy smiled back at me.
"Well, ima get back to class." Said Hazel
"Alright, see you around." Said Troy
"K, bye bye." Said Hazel.
We both went separate ways and I couldn't stop smiling somehow. I turned back and so did Troy! Omg, does that mean we both like each other? I read that somewhere, lol.

I couldn't stop staring at Troy. Then I quickly looked away when he looked my way. I pretended to talk to Zoe.
"Yup haha, that's so funny." Said Hazel.
Zoe made a funny face at me.
"You okay?" Said Zoe
"Oh yeah, sorry." Said Hazel laughing.
Zoe laughed as well.
"It's just Troy, I think he likes me and I like him." Said Hazel
"Aww, that's cute, go for it!" Said Zoe.
I smiled and then I saw Trinity smiling and all that.
"Trinity? You look happy." Said Hazel
"Yeah." Said Trinity smiling
"You and Lorenzo literally broke up like a couple of days ago, how are you happy?" Said Zoe
"I met a guy." Said Trinity
"Who?" Said Zoe
"I can't say." Said Trinity smiling.
I knew who it was but I'm not gonna say it.
"Alright, take your time and when you're ready, tell us." Said Hazel.
Trinity looked at me and nod her head.
"Right." Said Trinity smiling.

When school was over, I went to the beach just to walk around. Then, I saw Troy as well. He was walking as well.
"Well, what a coincidence." Said Hazel smiling
"It's like the world wants us to be together." Said Troy smiling
"Ha, right." Said Hazel smiling.
Troy and me got closer to each other.
"Can I do something?" Said Troy
"Sure?" Said Hazel smiling nervously.
Then Troy turned his back on me.
"Get on my back." Said Troy
"Alright." Said Hazel.
He was too tall.
"Can you bend down a little, I'm too short." Said Hazel
"Alright shorty." Said Troy.
When I got on Troy's back, he made sure I won't fall and then he ran. The wind felt nice and he made me feel weightless, haha. He's so strong! It was so much fun on the beach with Troy, he's like my daytime shooting star. I get happy when I see him. He makes me happy, really happy.

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