A Question: Take 1

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There was a knock at Virgil's bedroom door, waking the dark-haired man from a peaceful slumber. "Unless the house is on fire, leave me alone!" He growled, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow. The person on the other side of the door knocked again, much louder this time. Groaning in annoyance, he dragged himself out of his bed and made his way to the door, pulling it open and glaring daggers at the blonde man on the other side. 

"The hell are you doing here at..." He turned slightly to look at the clock on his desk. "Eight on a Saturday morning," he growled, turning to face the other man again.

"The umm... the cinema is having a horror-themed Christmas movie marathon, and I thought you would want to attend. W-with Remus, Patton, Logan, and myself." Roman wasn't usually one to stumble over his words, but the sight of a topless, disheveled Virgil had caught him off guard. When he'd first met the other man a week ago, he'd been in a Halloween and had looked thinner. Even in his social media pictures, which he may have spent several hours staring at after sending him friend requests, he was usually wearing a hoodie that did an excellent job of hiding his physique. The fact that if looks could kill, the shorter man would have put him in his grave several times over in the time it had taken him to find his voice and ask if he wanted to join him and the others.

"...You could've texted me and asked. Or even sent a message on Instagram or Facebook," he growled.

"True, but I was already here when we all decided to go."

"Why the hell are you here so early?"

"Patton had invited Remus and me over for breakfast last night. He told us to be here at seven sharp."

"Of course, Patton would be up at some ungodly hour on the weekend." Sighing heavily, he ran a hand through his ebony locks and scratched the back of his head. "What time does the showing start?"


"It's eight." Virgil stood up straight, frowning, and narrowing his eyes at the taller man.

"Yes. That would be... seven pm."

"Run," Virgil's voice was deathly calm as he gave his warning. It took the princely man only a moment to get that he was being given a head start. With a soft curse, he quickly turned and booked it back down the stairs, yelling for Patton to save him. Virgil ran after Roman, jumping over the railing near the bottom of the stairs and tackling Roman to the ground.

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