Where Were You F-Word Face

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A/N: I couldn't resist.


Roman and Logan looked up when they heard the former being called. Their eyes widened in shock as they stared at the black and yellow clad hero before them.

"You're awake. I heard you were... I'm glad you're awake."

Roman moves closer to the other hero and bit his lip slightly in thought. "Where the hell were you fuck face?!" He grabbed Deceit by the shoulders to shake him, but his hands went right through the other man.

"I think a better question would be where the hell is he," Logan stepped forward and examined the hologram.

"There's no need to worry about that. I got the message from Rebellion that you guys were going to take on Angst and Korrupsjon. Don't do anything until I get back."

"Where are you?"

"I can't tell you. Just know that when I get back we'll have a better chance at stopping them."

Roman growled in annoyance and stormed through the hologram and into the base. Deceit watched the other hero storm off and sighed heavily. He then looked over at Logan.

"I cannot say that I do not agree with how The Prince feels at the moment," he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Just hurry back. Our team being broken apart like this isn't right. And it is taking its toll on us."

"I'll be back as fast as I can. I promise," the hologram disappeared, leaving Logan alone in the foyer.

With a sigh the hero made his way down to the base and took a seat beside Roman just as Shadow and Rebellion walked in.

"What's up, babes?"

"Deceit said for us to not go after the others until he got back," Roman grumbled.

"What?! That fucking bitch! He's been gone for over a month! We're supposed to wait for his ass!"

"Shadow. If Deceit says to wait we'll wait," Rebellion walked over to Roman and Logan, giving the latter of the two a small smile before extending her hand to the hero in white. "Rebellion. You must be, The Prince."

Roman stood up and bowed, taking the offered hand and placing a chaste kiss to the back. "At your service, my lady."

Rolling her eyes Rebellion took her hand from him and then took his seat beside Logan. "How are you doing, Prince? Up for battle? Because I can guarantee you that this will not be easy or fun."

"I'll have you know, I'm near invincible." Roman puffed out his chest and placed a hand to it.

"Except for when a neuro is involved."

"A what?" The three men looked at her in confusion.

"A neuro. It's someone who has powers that can affect your brain activity. Or more specifically the type of power that allows them to do it. Deceit, Bedrag, Angst, and Shadow all have neuro powers. Deceit, Angst, Bedrag, and Korrupsjon also have shift powers. That means they can change, or shift, their physical forms. Heart is a projector. He can project his powers on others to alter their physical being. Such powers can be used to disguise or heal others."

"What about Logic and I?"

"Logic is a mental and a tech. Not only can he control things with his mind, but he can also learn whatever he wants through technology."

"Anyone can do that."

"Not like our boy Logic here can. He could reverse engineer Dr Falk's machine just by looking at it. I think that's why Bedrag blocked him," she tucked her hair behind her ear and smirked. "As for you, Prince. You're an involuntary. You don't have to activate your powers. They're just there. Always on. Like breathing or blinking. You don't have to think about it you just do it."

"What would you fall under, Rebellion?"

"Oh, that's easy, Logic. I'm a cyborg."

"I'm sorry. What?"

"A cyborg. I don't have powers. I was born normal. I had an accident and with the help of some tech and a lot of training I became a hero. I've got some tech parts, but I'm mostly human. I'm a cyborg."

Logan looked her over, very intrigued by this new information.

"Keep your eyes in your head tech boy. I'm taken."

The hero blushed bright red and stumbled over his words as he tried to assure Rebellion that he was not looking at her in that manner. This only serves to make the heroine laugh.

"Anyway," Shadow clapped his hands. "How do we take care of our situation with our new villains and get these heroes back?"

"Right. Deceit is getting some tech for me to help with that."

"Care to elaborate?"

"I spoke with Dr Dacey after she woke Prince here, without the help of true love's first kiss, and she told me about his EEGs and other tests. So, I figured we could use the nano tech in Prince's and Logic's suits to protect them from Angst's words."

"What about Deceit and Shadow?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know if it'll work for them without interfering with their powers."

"But it won't interfere with Logic's?

"That's why we're using the tech already in his suit. It shifts frequencies accordingly to not be affected by his powers."

"How do you know this?"

"I helped Deceit write the code. Now. Stop asking questions and listen."


After three hours of planning and four days of training, Roman was starting to get restless. Just when he was about to give up and go find Virgil on his own the door to the base opened and in walked Dr Falk with Deceit.

The hero walked over to Rebellion and handed her a flash drive. "The next time you send me off to grab something for you and don't give me exact directions I'm beating you in the head with whatever it is I'm getting for you."

"Love you too, Slimy boy. Logic, you're first," she led the other hero to the computer room so that she could update the nanotechnology in his suit. About two hours later she sent him back and called for The Prince so she could do the same with his suit.

"Let's see what we've got here," Rebellion walked back into the room with Roman, rubbing her hands together. "Deceit. Tell Logic to deactivate his watch and reveal himself to us."

Hesitantly the hero walked over to his friend and used his powers to instruct him to reveal his identity. Nothing happened. He was instructed to do the same with the other hero and again, nothing happened. Rebellion then told Shadow to attempt to put the two to sleep, and again they were unaffected.

"This is quite satisfactory," Logan smiled slightly.

"Are we sure this will protect us against Angst?"

"Yup. You guys are perfectly safe."

A Call to Darkness (Book 1 of Calling All Heroes)Where stories live. Discover now