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"Yo t" Sweet pea yelled from Toni's living room.

"What pea?" Toni came walking into the living room from her bedroom with a cigarette in between her fingers.

"You got invited to the MTV videos music awards" he said jumping up to face Toni.

"Oh awesome" she said.

"That's not all either" sweet pea showed his phone to her and it read 'nominated for sing of the year'.

"Shut up! Oh I'm so winning" Toni said inhaling from the cigarette. "Who else is nominated?"

"Well no one too big but..." Sweet pea paused.

"Well..? Tell me"

"Cheryl blossom is also nominated" he said "and your sitting right beside her at the award show"

"Fuck really, I get to stare at her all night, now I'm excited. And she gets to see me win" she bit her lip thinking about the red head.

"T Cmon she has a very good chance winning to, she sold 2x more albums then any other artist at the awards, including you" he said looking at Toni seriously.

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes throwing her cigarette in the garbage.

"I'm going to Justin biebers party tonight, you coming?" Toni asked sweet pea.

"I'm not gunna let you go by yourself so duh" Sweet pea grabbed the cigarettes and Toni's car keys. "Let's go" he opened the door with Toni behind but stopped because Betty was standing in the entrance.

"Where are you guys going now" Betty said blocking them from leaving.

"To a party now move" Toni said trying to get passed.

"Oh thanks for my invitation" Betty said rolling her eyes.

"It's only a plus one but I promise next time Betty"

"It's fine I just came by to grab your food" she said entering the house and going into the kitchen.

"Okay we're leaving then" sweet pea yelled

"Don't do anything stupid" Betty's yelled back

"Stupid is Toni's middle name" sweet pea mumbled

"Shut the fuck up" Toni slapped his arm as they walk out of the house to Toni's car.

Cheryl stood in her walk-in closet looking around at her clothing trying to plan an outfit for tonight. She was going to a party that Veronica invited her to.

She picked out a blue cropped long sleeve and black high wasted leather shorts and black heals. She curled the ends of her hair into perfection and did her makeup.

"Who's ready to fuckin party" Veronica yelled coming into Cheryl's bathroom where she was.

"Um ever heard of this thing called knocking first" Cheryl said finishing her makeup. Veronica walked back to the door and knocked on it then came back in earning an eye roll from Cheryl.

"Ready to get fucked up" Veronica said

"Defiantly, Kevin is away so he can't tell me to not anything, we're free tonight" Cheryl cheered.

"Your defiantly ready to get fucked tho" Cheryl laughed looking Veronica up and down. She was wearing a jeans shorts and grey spaghetti strap top.

"Oh defiantly" she laughed as they walked out of Cheryl's room. They were getting everything ready when their was a knock at the door.

"Is Josie coming too" Cheryl asked Veronica as she went to open the door. Kevin stood there with a hand on his hip and a raised eyebrow.

"Where do you think your going" he asked as Cheryl just turned around and rolled her eyes at him.

"To a friends house" she lied.

"Mhmm who, because I sure don't dress like that going to a friends house" he said seriously.

"Cmon Kevin I'm not gunna do anything stupid" she said Veronica nodding.

"Plus I'll watch out for her" Veronica said agreeing with Cheryl.

"Last time I let you guys go, Veronica smoked pot and the paparazzi almost got a bunch of pictures of you kissing Halsey, luckily the tree got in the way before they could" Kevin said

"That won't happen again Halsey won't be there" Veronica said earning a warning look from Kevin.

"Please Kevin" Cheryl said

"Fine, but if I hear one thing on the news about you, I'm flying you guys back home instantly" he said walking out of the penthouse.

"Okay now that mr boring is gone grab the alcohol and lets go" Veronica said grabbing the keys to the place and her phone.

Toni and sweet pea walked into the party greeting a bunch of other celebrities. There was At least 50 celebrities there. Sweet pea walked away to go grab something to drink for them while Toni continued to talk to Camila Cabello.

Sweet pea came back with two red cups filled to the bring with an orange liquid that if she was to guess was beer. As the night went on more and more people came and went. Nobody in particular except just now.

Toni heard a commotion by the door and when she looked over she was in shock. Cheryl and Veronica just arrived at the party and damn did Cheryl ever look good. The two girls came in cheering and greeting Hailey Bieber. Toni watch as they girls took out a bottle of what looked like vodka and chugged some.

To say Toni was turned on would be an understatement. She couldn't keep her eyes off Cheryl. In all honesty she was a lot prettier in person also a lot taller.

"Yo Toni you should say hi" sweet pea said

"Nah pea, I'll let her come to me" Toni said taking one more look at her before turning away to play beer pong with Kevin Hart.

Cheryl and Veronica both hugged hailey as they entered. Veronica screaming in joy of seeing her. She may have been a bit tipsy already.

Veronica tipped the bottle of vodka up to Cheryl's mouth as she took a couple sips. She wiped off her mouth and started a conversation with her and Kendal, Veronica trying to join in when she could because Veronica didn't know them that well. Cheryl tuned out of the conversation to take a look around the party. She saw so many celebrities and she only new about half or so.

She kept looking around and her eyes landing on a shorter girl with brown and pink hair. She recognized that hair from somewhere. Then it hit her, Toni topaz. She was way hotter in person. She watched as Toni walked away. She knew Toni was hot before I mean look at her but in person it's increased. Not that she cares Toni is way to cocky and stubborn.

Cheryl and Kendal went off to grab more drinks as Veronica tried to convince Hailey and other celebrities to give her their number.

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