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Veronica and Cheryl stumble into Cheryl's penthouse, both laughing at funny jokes they made to the Uber driver on the way home. They were both pretty tipsy from the party they just left.

Cheryl flicks on the lights, seeing Kevin sitting in a chair with his one leg crossed of the other, looking at the girls with a stern expression.

"What did you do" Veronica tried to whisper but is wasn't really a whisper. Cheryl just rolled her eyes.

"Well hello Kevin how are you?" Cheryl asked.

"I was great until I looked on Twitter and saw pictures of what looked like you and Ashley benson taking shots off each other's body's"

"That's what people do at party's Kevin. It's not even that bad" Cheryl's said and Veronica laughing stumbling over to the kitchen and grabbing a block of cheese and taking a bite out of it.

"Dear lord. I can't believe I have to deal with you children" Kevin walked up to Veronica and wrestled her for the cheese. Finally getting it from her and putting it back in the fridge.

"I suggest you watch her" Kevin said pointing to Veronica now slamming the remote for the tv on the coffee table, then he walked out of her penthouse and slammed the door.

"Don't do anything stupid" Cheryl said as she went to her room to get ready for bed. When she came back with clothes for Veronica she was passed out upside down on the couch. Cheryl shook her head and walked back to her room turning off her lights and slipping into bed.

The next morning Cheryl woke up with a slight headache and her bones aching. She sat in bed staring at the celling for 10 minutes debating wether or not to get up.

She rolled out of bed grabbing one of her blankets and rapping it around herself as she shuffled into the living room. Deciding to be a nice friend, Cheryl started to make pancakes for her and Veronica before she woke up.

Cheryl was frying the pancakes and heard a groan from the couch. Veronica was now starting to wake up.

"Morning" Cheryl said to her earning a groan from Veronica.

"I feel like I just died. Also your couch sucks"

"Well that's why we have 3 spare bedrooms" Cheryl said going back to making pancakes.

"Please tell me those are blueberry pancakes" Veronica crosses her fingers sitting up on the couch now.

"Yes. And I shouldn't even be making you these I'm gunna be in so much shit from Kevin plus your an annoying drunk" Cheryl placed the pancakes on a plate for her and Veronica on her counter.

"Whatever, but thank you" she said grabbing her plate and sitting down on the couch turning on the tv.

Not too long after Cheryl joins her and switches the channel to the news to see what celebrity's are being invaded by paparazzi today.

Toni topaz has been caught having a heavy make out session with Normani. Apparently tmz caught them kissing just outside of a party then Toni bringing her back to her place after. The tmz reporter said showing pictures of them.

"Holy shit we were at that party" Veronica said leaning into the tv. Cheryl rolled her eyes already knowing she was at that party.

"Nothing new, she does this like every party" Cheryl got up trying to act unfazed but it was really obvious she cared.

"Omg what's that smell, is that... jealousy?" Veronica got up and followed her to the kitchen.

"Shut up, she can do what she wants, and I don't want any part of that"

"But you do want part of her" Veronica mumbled to herself.

"What was that" Cheryl narrowed her eyes at Veronica.

"Nothing" Veronica said with a smile.

Toni woke up feeling like her throat was closed and someone slammed her head on a table, multiple times. She was about to get up when she felt an arm laying on her chest and realized that a girl was naked in her bed. Then she realized she was also naked and that the girl was Normani. Fuck.

Toni carefully moved the arm off her and went to go put some clothes on. When she came back Normani was sitting up and Toni froze.

"Hey I had a nice night" she said.

"Hey um, this was a mistake and I was drunk" Toni said.

"So this was a waste of time then I guess. Well that's great" Normani said collecting her clothes and putting them on in a hurry.

"I'm sure it was great but I don't really want anything" Toni said not really caring what Normani thought only that she wanted her gone before sweet pea notices.

"Wow okay" she said grabbing her phone and leaving Toni's room slamming the door. Toni shook her head and walked out of her room just as she heard the from door close.

"Had a nice night?" Sweet pea asked looking at Toni walking out of her room. She froze hearing him speak, swearing under her breath.

"I was drunk leave me alone"

"Oh I don't care but the rest of the world might think differently" he said turning on the tv to tmz showing pictures of Toni and Normani.

"I don't care" Toni cursed running her hands through her hair.

"You should Toni, this could hurt your career badly" he said. Toni rolled her eyes going to her fridge and grabbing a coke.

Betty slammed open the door looking around the apartment in a hurry.

"Where is she? Is Normani still here" Betty said rushed.

"She left" sweet pea said.

"Fuck, I wanted her autograph" Betty said walking over to Toni and grabbing the coke out of her hands just as she was about to take a sip and throwing it out. Then grabbing a water from the fridge and handing it to her.

"Um I was drinking that" Toni said pointing to the garbage can the coke was now in.

"Yeah I know. Your health will thank me later" Betty sat down at the island counter.

"So were going shopping today to get you ready for the Award thingy" Betty said.

"No thanks" Toni argued.

"Yeah that wasn't a question, it was a fact" toni rolled her eyes as Betty got up and pulled her out of her house. Sweet pea laughing as Toni was being dragged out.

After about 3 hours of Toni disagreeing with Betty on clothing choices and taking pictures with fans they finally found an outfit Toni and Betty we're both satisfied with they went back to Toni's place. But before that they stopped in at their local McDonalds for an iced coffee then drove toni's Porsche back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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