Day Trip

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"Shoto! Natsuo! Come on! It's already noon, what's the hold up?"

Fuyumi Todoroki yelled. It was the start of summer break and she finally had time to spend with both her younger brothers. Having planned a whole day for the three of them, she was waiting near the front door, tapping her foot impatiently.

The two brothers in question were currently fighting to get downstairs.

"Let me go, Natsu."

Shoto Todoroki was currently being held in a headlock by Natsuo. He was struggling, but to no avail.

"Not 'till you tell me about that girl you like!" Natsuo teased, grinning, "Who is she and what's she like?"

"I don't like any girl, okay!"

"You sure??? What about that-"

"Get down here!!!"

The two boys froze and Natsuo let go of Shoto.

"She's gonna kill us if we're any more late," Natsuo exclaimed, darting down the stairs.

Shoto rushed down after him, grumbling, "It's all your fault."

They were met by an irritated older sister. Fuyumi glared at the two and grabbed their hands, dragging them out the door. "You two are not going to ruin my plans."

The trio found themselves walking through town, Fuyumi in the lead.
"At this rate, we might miss the movie!" She checked her watch. "We need to hurry."

"Shoto made us late." Natsuo ruffled his brother's hair.

"Did not," The younger boy ducked away, "What movie are we seeing?"

"A Quiet Place!" Fuyumi answered turning around to face them. "I've been wanting to see it for a while and there just happened to be a showing today!"

"Isn't that a horror movie?" Shoto asked, a bit confused. "Do you like scary movies?"

"Yes!" Fuyumi grinned, "There is something about getting scared by fictional creatures that I find to be a relief from the real world."

"Oh," He frowned. Shoto hadn't known this. He hadn't know what his sister's favorite movie genre was until she told him today. He probably knew his classmates better than his own family.

Fuyumi noticed this. She was able to guess what he was thinking, and understood all too well. "Shoto-"

"Scary movies? Fuyumi, you know I hate those." Natsuo whined, interrupting her. "Don't you hate them, too Shoto?" He slung one arm around his brother and used the other to forcefully nod Shoto's head. "See, he hates them. You're outnumbered and we need to see something else!"

"I don't mind them. We can see it." Shoto said, "And I want to see you scared." He grinned at Natsuo, the moment from before being forgotten for the time being.

"Nooo. We're supposed to stick together on this! You traitor."

"Shut up, Natsu. We're here." Fuyumi had stopped in front of the movie theater. She opened the door and walked in, the air conditioning blasting them in the face. None of them minded the sudden cold, though.

There was only a short line to buy tickets and the three siblings were soon in the dark theater, set up with popcorn and sodas.

During the movie, Fuyumi was leaning forward in her seat, her eyes glued to the screen. Very into the movie, she wasn't even touching her food. On the other hand, Natsuo was staring intently at his popcorn bucket, almost robotically eating the food, not looking at the screen. But when he heard a crash from the movie, he jerked, sending his popcorn flying around him. And then, Shoto, he was just munching on his food, watching the movie, mildly interested.

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