He Knows Death

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A/N: hello, hello, I am here with another story? Surprised? Me, too! I've just happened to have ideas though. :p

So, yes, this is an entry for an event on Amino and I'm just sharing it her, too. The "creature" I decided to go with is basically just a kind of incarnation of death. Idk, it's just what struck my fancy. I think it still works, but hey, even if it doesn't for the event, please still, I hope you enjoy it!

tbh, wasn't sure what to title this. It may be subject to change in the future.

Warnings: Death

Word Count: 1878

Izuku is four when he first sees her. Walking behind his parent, he catches a brief glimpse of a young girl in a simple dress, her white hair fluttering behind her as she stands, appearing like a statue amongst a river of people. She stands there, eyes closed, a peaceful expression resting upon her face. She has a small horn on the right side of her forehead, marking her as something else. Something not of this world. And adults just pass by, taking no notice of this young girl all by her lonesome.

Something about her intrigues the boy, he feels like he knows her. He tugs his mother's sleeve to show her what he had seen. But before he can ask, he is cut off.

A man who had been walking by stumbles and falls to the ground, clutching his chest, breathing heavily before falling out of consciousness. People around began panicking, some hurrying to try to assists him, others pulling out phones to call the emergency number.

Izuku's mother grabs him, picking him up and carrying him away, not wanting him to get lost in the slight chaos. But as they retreat from the crowd, he sees the girl walk up to the man and hold out her hand to him. He sees the man rise and take the girl's hand, the two then walking off, leaving the man's body behind as they disappear into the crowd.

Izuku is nine when he sees her again. Despite it having been years, despite him having forgotten about first time he saw her, he knows her when he sees her. Her face is familiar to him as his friends' or his family's.

He is playing on the swings, competing with his friend to see who can go the highest when he notices her.

She is sitting on a bench across the street from the small playground and is facing the road. He can't remember seeing her arrive, but she appears as if she had been there for a while. She wears the same quiet expression, her eyes closed.

"Hey, Kacchan," he asks his friend, bringing the swing to a stop and turning to face the blonde boy. He points to the bench, "Do you see her?"

Bakugo jumps off the swing, landing neatly on his feet before looking over, "What did you say?"

"That girl, do you see her?"

"What girl?"

"That girl!"

Bakugo frowns. "Are you trying to trick me?"

"No, I swear," Izuku is confused at this point, frantically gesturing in her direction, "You don't see her???"

"Maybe you're just going crazy," the other boy snickers, "Anyways, it's time to head home. Last one to your house is a rotten egg!"

He bolts off, Izuku scrambling off the swing to follow. He takes one last look at the girl, flinching as a car drives by, obscuring his view. But when he sees her again, she has moved, kneeling by the edge of the road, cradling a squirrel. She looks up at him, and her eyes are open. Even from across the street, he can see their unnatural red color. But he is not threatened, rather, he is filled with a sense of peace, as if someone had just washed away his tiredness, stress, worries.

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