His Mother's Camera

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A/N: Yo, wow, sorry for long delays in updates, I am very bad at that and very good at procrastonation. I started this story in April and now May is almost over, geez. This probably should not have taken as long as it did, but here we are. I hope you like it!! Many thanks to DragonStorm88 for helping me on this, couldn't have finished it otherwise.

It was a cool evening, the brilliantly orange sun falling behind the horizon as the green haired man walked back to his apartment. His curly hair was bobbing in the late summer breeze, tinted red by the fading light of day. As he came into sight of his house and its dark windows, his pace began to slow. Tired and stressed after a long day at work, he wasn't looking forwards to coming home to an apartment devoid of light and life.

Upon reaching the door, he found a pair of packages waiting on the ground outside, having been left there by the delivery man. Curious, he picked the boxes up, andq quickly inspected them, not sure who they were from as there was only an unknown address on the return label.

He entered the building, being met with an air of silence. He let out a soft sigh, his gaze scanning the empty room for a brief second, but his thoughts quickly returned to the packages. After making his way to the kitchen, he placed them carefully on the table and flicked on a light, the yellow glow illuminating the room.

Taking the larger package, he opened the box, revealing in it a thick, emerald green photo album.

Intrigued, he opened the book to the first page and was greeted by a letter.

His eyes widened when he saw the note, seeing the words printed in the neat handwriting of his mother. Picking it up, he began to read, able to hear her warm voice in the words.

My dearest Izuku,
How are you doing? Have you been well? Make sure you are taking care of yourself. Don't forget to take a bit of time each day to relax. I know how easily you get caught up with something.
How have things been going with your friends? Are they all fine? You still blushing around Ochaco?
I guess you are wondering what I have sent you. I guess I would call it somewhat of a birthday present, to make up for the ones I will miss. It should have arrived right around your birthday, at least I hope.
Ever since I first held you in my arms I knew I would want to treasure every moment I spent with you. Watching you grow up and become the man you are today, I couldn't have asked for a better time.
Remember the many pictures we've taken together over the years? I wanted to always be able to look back and see those happy moments in time, to never forget your beautiful face.
I gathered many of those photos here for you.
I wanted to give this to you earlier, but better late than never, right?
You'll always be in my heart. Never forget that I love you.

Izuku was quiet as he finished reading the final sentence. It had been several years since he had last seen her and he missed her.

His mother's love for pictures had been passed onto him. He could remember her with her camera, telling him to "Say Cheese!" The camera had been nothing special, just something bought from the store. It would accumulate chips and scratches and would be replaced when needed. But whatever camera it was, it would always be his mother's camera to him.

Turning the page showed him a picture of baby Izuku. He was staring wide eyed at the camera, clutching a slightly tattered All Might plushie. A bit of drool hung from the corner of his open mouth, all his attention focused upon the device taking the picture.

This was just the first of several pictures featuring the curly haired baby. One displayed him wearing an All Might onesie, lying on the ground, rolling on his back. Another, he was standing on his mother's lap, playing with her long hair. She was holding onto him, making sure he wouldn't fall, and seemed to be talking to the person behind the camera, a bright expression on her face.

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