[1] Timeline

42 2 5

"Strivey! Look! There's a star right there.. and there, there, and..!"

"I showed you this spot silly! Look at at the shiniest one and make a wish!"

"..I hope we're best friends forever!"

"That's a dummy dumb wish. Of course we will be!"


"What's going on? Strive.. Elder..? Mom.. Dad!"

"The stars..they're..! Come with me!"

"Where are we going?"

"Wherever that thing isn't!"



"Looking up at the sky yet again, Strive?"

"I know they're out there somewhere. I refuse to let it all end like this."

"They'll come back. The sky will look prettier than ever. I promise."

"...We're going to be together, right?"

"You're my best friend, Strive. I'll always be here. Happy Birthday."


Solaris, 17. Missing Moebian. Search party ongoing. Last seen: October 25th.

"What do you mean she's missing?! That's my best friend.."

"She wouldn't just leave without telling me! There's no way. I.. she said she wouldn't leave."

"She said she'd always be here."
[Story Arc One.]


Strive woke up in a cold sweat. He quickly glanced at the luminance of his clock.

7:27 am.

He shook off any lingering thought he had seconds before. Sighing to himself, he stood up slowly, taking in the cold air from his dorm. He trudged to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face from the faucet. He stood there for quite a while before getting to the rest of his morning activities.

What's today's date, again?


Strive turned the corner to see the rest of his colleagues gathered around a dining table. Doctor Sung appeared to be discussing details with Meouch about the day's mission, Phobos was picking at his food (which Strive wondered if there's a hole of some sort for Phobos to eat), and Ninja Brian was asleep, but it appeared he had a empty plate in front of him. Mysterious.

"Morning Strive." Phobos started. "You missed it, Brian actually took off his mask to eat."

"What?!" Strive said with more energy than he thought he had. "No way! I've been trying to see him take off his mask since I joi-" Suddenly, Brian's eyes opened, and he shook his head slowly. "I was just kidding." Phobos said with a lower voice. "Havve fixed you a plate as well, but it's still in the kitchen, along with him."

Strive gave a small smile as he proceeded to the kitchen. Havve was wearing an apron, and appeared to be getting ready to wash the dishes. "Good morning, Strive." He said. "Morning Havve. How did you know it was me?"
"I can sense the heavy-ness and foot patterns of all the brigadiers." Strive already had a mouthful of pancake in his mouth, but that didn't stop him from talking anyway. "No way!"

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