[3] Journey

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"She wants to go home!" Strive said excitedly. "Oh you'll love how it looks now that the stars are back. The elder will love seeing you again!"

"Cmon Strive, let's leave Solaris here alone." Sung said, looking back at both moebians. He then turned to the rest of his crew. "We'll allow her to get rest, and then she'll be free to roam around most areas until we make it back."

"The route to Moebius will take approximately 7 days." Havve calculated automatically, as if he read Sung's mind and knew the question was popping up. Without responding, the crew proceeded to leave until a voice stopped half of them.

"Can Strive stay..? I just want to talk with him." Solaris asked.

Strive whipped back around with a smile on his face. "Of course! I can't wait to talk to you about everything that happened." Sung shrugged and motioned the rest to continue going, and once the door was shut Strive walked up to the bedside. "So..what's up Sol?"

"I haven't heard you call me "Sol" in a full year." She chuckled. "You're just as energetic as I remember, Strive."

"Yeah, saving your planet and releasing the stars from the Void does that to you." He responded. Solaris flinched slightly at the word "void".

"Are you alright? Was it something I said?" Strive walked up to place a hand on her shoulder. "No no, I'm just.. really nervous about returning home. How are my parents?"

"Sirius and Spica? Oh.. they've moved away. After hearing about your disappearance, they thought you.. anyway they're not in Moebius anymore."

Strive could sense Solaris' heart practically drop at the announcement. "I see.." she replied quietly. The air became tense and quiet as the two said nothing for a full minute.

"How's the Elder?" Solaris broke the silence.
"Ah..! He's happier than ever. I didn't tell you yet but I call him "Dad" now, and he'll probably lose his mind when he sees you're alive!"

"Everyone really thought I was dead, huh.."

"Yeah..." Strive looked the lamp instead of her, perhaps it was the first thing he saw as a distraction. "But you're not, and I have my best friend back."

Strive was cut off as he felt himself be pulled into Solaris' arms. She gripped him tightly as a tear fell from her eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again Strive, there's so much I want to say to you." He slowly returned the hug and noticed both of their cores were shining brighter than before. "Um, Sol..?" He was about to point it out when Solaris instantly pulled away from the hug.

"I'm sorry! I just haven't seen you-"

"No it's not that." When Strive looked down, he noticed his core was back to normal, and so was hers. "Never mind."

Strive stood up, and proceeded to the door. "When you're ready, hop out of bed and join us! I'd love to give you a tour of the ship."

"Uh, alright. Of course!" She said, unsure of what she did to make Strive leave so suddenly.

"What just happened?" Strive thought once the door shut. His hand rested on the turquoise gem on his chest. It was something he never felt before, and he couldn't pin-point if the feeling was good or bad. He felt bad leaving so suddenly, so he opened the door again and rushed in.

"Scratch that. I'm going to show you around now!"


Day 1.

"And this is my room! Last time I was in Moebius I picked up a couple of my things, like some water from the Starlitrine Pond, my telescope, and some things Dad packed for me. Just to make it feel like home."

Solaris' eyes practically had stars in them as she was viewing everything in Strive's dorm. She touched and prodded at anything and everything. It wasn't until she came upon a glowing ball of gas in a jar. "What's this?"

"Oh! Be careful with that. There's this planet— Stellura I believe. Anyway, on that planet the stars are at a certain temperature where they're collectible. It's still really hot if you hold it for too long! And if you let it out the jar it has a habit of floating straight up to the ceiling."

"I want to catch a star one day!"

"I'll take you to Stellura and get one for you, Sol."


Day 2.

"Here's the main room where we are told where to go and when. Navigation central!"

"I love this room already!"

"Just wait until you see the kitchen then, haha. It's Phobos' favorite place, and if I can get him to bake his famous "cinnamon rolls", then you're in for a real treat!" Solaris and Strive laughed in unison.

"What's a cinnamon roll?"


Day 3.

"Ah yes, the ship room! Your ship will be stored here when it's finished, Sol!"

"Why does Sung's ship look like it's played by music?"

"Some of the Brigadiers ships are powered by music! For example, Havve steers his ship by beating on drum sets!"

"Musical Brigade?"

"Sort of! Hey, remember when you would play the saxophone for me? You should do that again!"


Day 4.

"Here kiddo." Sung handed Solaris her space pistols back. "Two rules: Don't shoot anyone and don't shoot the ship."

"Yes sir!" Solaris saluted."Thank you Doctor Sung, I'll make you proud!"

Solaris waited until Sung was out of sight to call out to Strive. "You can come out now. I got them."

"You didn't have to salute to him-" Strive snickered.
"Oh please, I know you look up to Sung as well. I've seen how you look at him when he praises you!"

"Shut up! Anyway... teach me how to shoot your guns, Sol! Where did you get them? I'm intrigued!"

"All in due time, Strive. All in due time!"


Day 5.

"And here is your room aboard the Starlight Brigade! It's a little plain and empty, but I'm sure you'll fill it up with lots of things!"

"Strive, I'm pretty sure I'm not a member of the Brigade yet!"

"Well..true.. but you do plan on joining us right? Or are you going to stay on Moebius?"

"I..don't know."



Day 6.
"We're almost there! Aren't you excited?"

"I'm hyper excited! And also heavily nervous. Don't you think everyone will be shocked to see me?"

"I think everyone will be ecstatic! We searched high and low for you!"

"I don't know why this is bothering me.. I mean I've been out here in space for so long I-"

Strive's mouth was full of cinnamon rolls. "Mm..did you say something Solaris? These are the best!"

"Nothing Strive. Hey goofball, give me one."

"Get your own!"


Day 7.

"Rise and shine Sol!"

"Where are we?"

"We're on Moebius!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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