[2] Reunited

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The infirmary was unbearably cold. The ceiling's light was a calming cool white, and it didn't take long for someone to knock on the door with a light tap. The door opened, and in came Phobos holding a tray of breakfast items.

The moebian watched Phobos' movements very carefully. They didn't let him out of their sight and even when he sat down the tray on their bedside table, they still kept their eyes locked on the man. Phobos stood still, shifting ever so slightly at the obvious awkwardness from being intensely stared at.

"Good morning. As you can see breakfast is-"

"Where am I." The moebian said more like a statement rather than a question. They realized they cut Phobos off and for once their eyes diverted away from him. "I'm sorry, I'm just rather confused. What is this place?"

"You're in the brigade's infirmary aboard the mother-ship. I'll let the others know you're awake. Enjoy your breakfast."

"W-wait!" The moebian tried to call him back, but he was already out the room in a flash leaving her alone once more. The young girl looked down at the tray of items: two pieces of toast with grape jelly, a pancake and what appeared to some gritty, white substance.

Are they trying to treat me to my last meal before taking over my soul? She thought frantically. However, her rumbling stomach made her think otherwise instantly.

Perhaps... I'm not really in danger.

It was quite a while before another knock came on the door, unfortunately it just so happened to happen right as the moebian was starting to doze off. "C-come in." She said quietly. The doors opened and in came Lord Phobos yet again, this time with the rest of the brigadiers - each of them all looking different and foreign to the girl.
"Hello." The one with what appeared to be a cone on his head spoke. "I'm Doctor Sung. I'm sure you must be concerned about where you are."

The moebian said nothing. "..anyway." Sung continued. "These are my colleagues: Commander Meouch, Lord Phobos, Havve Hogan, and Space Ninja Brian. Now you know our names, what's yours?"

"S-Solaris." The moebian shifted in her bed. "Well Solaris. I know you must've heard about us. We are the extra-stellar Starlight Brigade." Sung said triumphantly.

"..I'm sorry?"

"Yo Havve, is this kid brain dead or something?" Meouch whispered.
"All vital signs are normal." Havve said louder than he should've. The air fell silent as Sung rubbed his temples. Meouch pushed Sung aside gently and leaned over the edge of the bed. "Y'know, the Starlight Brigade. Saviors of the universe! Destroyers of the void-"

"V-void?! Where?!" Solaris was about to jump out of her bed when the crew gently restrained her. "Woah calm down, you're safe here. Do you remember what happened and how you got in the middle of space unconscious?"

"There was a void soldier, she struck my ship down and rendered me almost useless. I was.. my guns..! Where are my pistols?" Solaris' voice was frantic and unstable. "All belongings are confiscated. You'll receive them back once we get more information. I'm sorry." Havve said with slight sympathy.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door once more. A muffled voice could be heard from behind. "You guys said you wouldn't start without me!" Ninja Brian walked to the door and as soon as the door slid open Strive came running in almost at full force. He ran all the way to the edge of the bed until he finally caught sight of the moebian in the bed, causing him to come to a abrupt stop. His eyes widened and his mouth slowly dropped.

"I-I can't believe it." He walked slowly now, his eyes not diverting from the girl.

"Solaris.. is it really you?"

"You know this girl?" Meouch stammered.

"Strive..?" Solaris whispered as Strive ran up eventually and gave her a gigantic hug. "Everyone on Moebius thought you were dead. I can't believe it's you..!" Strive said.


"When you went missing. We searched for you and you were nowhere to be found.. what happened?"

"There was this crystal and.. I went inside and.. a ship it.. it blasted off with me inside and I didn't know.." Solaris choked on her words. It appeared Strive wasn't letting go from the hug, and at that point Sung was worried he might actually be suffocating her. Sung put his hand on Strive's shoulder, motioning him to release himself from Solaris' body.
"I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do, but we should give Solaris here some time to recover. This must all be greatly overwhelming for her." Havve jumped in.

"W-what? No I don't want to leave her side! This is my best friend..!" Strive protested. Phobos attempted to step up and comfort him. "Strive, we understand that you're afraid but-"
Suddenly, Strive whipped around, his eyes shone a golden marigold and his face flushed with anger.

"I said no!"

"Strive." Sung said demandingly "Contain yourself." The air was heavy with tension as the two challenged each other. Strive knew he couldn't win against Doctor Sung, so the young moebian slowly calmed down.

"W-what's going to happen to me in the meantime?" Solaris said, trying to divert the tension. "Ahem. Right." Sing brushed off Strive, walking right past him. "You'll be staying in the infirmary for another day. Then you'll most likely be given a living space here while Havve and Meouch work on repairing your ship. Is there somewhere you're trying to be at?"


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