Hide as not to die

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Peter said goodbye to happy as he ran to the main entrance of the tower. He really liked happy even though he has 98% sure happy hated him in return. He sprinted through the main floor avoiding bumping people and giving a big hello to Carla the woman to stayed at the front desk on his way to the elevator.

Hello peter the monotone but almost human FRIDAY said as peter stepped into the private elevator.

Good afternoon FRIDAY! Said Peter. He knew she wasn't alive and didn't have feeling like a human would but he always tried to be nice to kind AI.

Going to the top floor I assume?

Yup! But who's home?

At this time I can account for the whereabouts of the Barton family, your fathers, the patriots and dr. Banner.

Thank you FRIDAY!

After the short conversation he found himself on the top floor of the tower. He stepped out and ran into his bedroom as fast as he could trying to avoid all of the people he knew where in the tower.

Peter folded the note and stuck it under his pillow hoping none of the highly skilled assassins living in the same house as him would find it.

Peter worked on homework until dinner trying to forget about the impending doom but it still lingered in the back of his mind laughing at him about what was to come

Finally it happened



Your father would like me to inform you that dinner is ready.

Thank you FRIDAY

Always welcome peter

Time for the bomb to be dropped on his life

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