A New Job

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Marina: Everything's packed up, all clean... i think we're done for the day!

Marina: You've been working here a while now, huh? How are you finding it?

Marina: Well that's great to hear. It's really been a huge help having you around.

Marina: Still... if we don't start getting more customers in, I don't know what'll happen to the event...

Marina: Hmm? Oh right, nobody told you about the event yet. I thought the owner was gonna... Oh well. I'll do it.

Marina: I'm sure you know that this live house was created to help support all the bands we have in town.

Marina: Well, there's going to be an event here soon where said bands can come and play live.

Marina: The only condition is being in a band. Pros, amateurs, everyone's welcome! The only problem is

Marina: We haven't had a single band sign up yet. I mean, I know that we're not the most famous place in the world, but still...

Marina: The owner really believes this is our chance to get our name out there. She's really counting on me and... I dont know what to do...

Kitkat: Hello!

Marina: Wah! Wh-who are you?!

Kitkat: I'm KitKat! Nice to meet you!

Yuubi: Ahh... Phew... Caught her ... You just don't listen to anyone do you?! We were shouting after you back there!

Yuubi: ... Ahaha~! I'm sorry for my friend barging in here like this. We'll be going now...

Marina: No, wait... KitKat was it? is that a guitar your carrying?

Kitkat: It is! Me and all my friends here are in a band, Poppin'Party!

Marina: A band huh?

Kitkat: We were on our way back from practice and just happened to pass by this live house! It looked so cool I just had to come in!

Bomby: We should introduce ourselves properly, don't you think?

Kitkat: Already done!

Yuubi: Very badly!

Bomby: As Kitkat said, the five of us are Poppin'Party. I'm the drummer, Bomby. It's nice to meet you.

Dancer: I'm Dancer. I play lead guitar.

Yuubi: Yuubi, Keyboard.

Shelly: I'm Shelly! I...I play the bass!

Yuubi: Come on KitKat, you too!

Kitkat: Okay! I'm Still Kitkat and I'm on guitar and vocals. I was looking for a kira kira, doki doki sound when I found this Random Star...

Kitkat: I just knew I had to start a band and now everyday is more exciting  then the last!

Marina: I like your high school energy. I'm Marina Tsukishima. You can call me Marina, or Marina- san. I work here at the live house.

Marina: Well? What About You? Introduce yourself!

Kitkat: Honoka-san! Nice to meet you

Marina: Today must be our lucky day, meeting the Poppin' Party band like this.

Marina: Why? The Event, of course! We have to get them to preform!

Marina: I know it's all very sudden,but if we don't sign some bands soon the whole thing will be a disaster.

Marina: Now go on! Get them to join our event!

KitKat: Live event? Really? Of course we'll do it!

Yuubi: Wait just a second, Kitkat. Don't you think we should hear more about it, first?

Bomby: ... Could you tell us more about this event, then?

KitKat: Okay, I get it! I think...?

Yuubi: They want us to  preform in this live house's next event, basically. How did you not understand that? It was very simple!

Shelly: Ahaha...

Kitkat: A real live event... We're still just beginners, but we'll do our very best!

Yuubi: You're accepting too easily!

Kitkat: Aww, but it sounds like fun!

Bomby: ... I don't think she's gonna change her mind. I guess that means we're preforming!

Marina: That's great! Thank you! You can use our studio to practice any time you want.

Kitkat: You Have a studio here too? Amazing! Thank you so much!

Dancer: ... Maybe we should go and try it out. get practicing already.

Kitkat: Agreed! Can we use the studio now, Marina-san?

Marina: Of course!

Kitkat:Yay! Thank you!  Shelly,Bomby, Yuubi, Come on! Let's go practice!

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