Meet the Founder (Elsie)

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Heyo! Elsie here! I'm the founder of this little community here. I'm hoping it takes off fairly nicely, as I'm very dedicated to spreading awareness and education about mental health issues. I think they're important and that everyone should know about them.

Now just so you can get to know me a little better, here are some facts about me!

✑ I identify as queer as I'm not quite sure what my correct label is, however I know I am not straight

✑ Strong supporter of the LGBT+ community

✑ I have selective mutism and social anxiety in general along with depression

✑ I know a small bit of American sign language (ASL) and hope to become fluent.

✑ Learning is fun for me, but I despise being in the classroom

✑ I try to be nice and respectful to everyone regardless of whether or not they share my beliefs, though some times I can get ticked off easily as I have very strong opinions

✑ At the moment my favorite YouTuber is Thomas Sanders, my favorite movies are the MCU Avenger movies, and my favorite shows are the four Arrowverse shows of cw

✑ My main account is ladyawesome45321 and my second main account is elsie-the-dweeb

Okay, enough about me! Go read about the admins 😉

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