Meet Isabel3710

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Hey kiddos my name's Isabel. I am so glad and grateful that Elsie has allowed me to become an Admin, I promise that I'll do the best job that I can.  So here some basic info about me. I've been meaning to type this up for a while now but, unfortunately, school's a thing and I've only just had time now. 

About Me: 

- I will be turning 18 next month 

- Proud member of the Hogwarts Hufflepuff house

- Fanfiction Author and (occasionally) draws Fanart

- Female, she/her pronouns

- Ally of the LGBT+ community

-  I identify to be straight but I fall do under another label, which I'll be keeping to myself for right now.

- I have/had two brothers with Autism, so while I don't have it myself I've grown up around kids with Autism. 

- I don't know a whole lot about Special Needs outside of Autism (and a lot less about Autism then you would think) but I am working on learning more about it. 

- I am religious (part of a Christian church) and very active in my church, but I do not judge people based off of their beliefs. You also don't have to worry about me getting all preachy. However, if you have questions about my religion then I would be more than happy to answer. 

- Like Elsie my current favorite YouTuber is Thomas Sanders. I my favorite show RWBY and Sander Sides (created by Thomas Sanders).

- My main account is Isabel3710 but I do have a second, Star Wars themed account which is Star_Wars_Jedi_Girl. I'm never really active on my second account so if you wanna chat I would suggest doing so through my main account. 

- If you ever need advice or someone to talk to, cry to, or rant to my DMs/PMs are always open! I promise I will respond to your message however I can not grantee it will straight away, it all depends on my schedule. 

Anyways, that's all I got. Hope you all have a great day!


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