Meet GlitteryGayBitch

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Hi!!! So, this is fun. I'm Liz, and I found this on her, so I decided I'd get a head start on it. My brain works weird when it comes to conclusions like that.

Anyway, here are some fact about me-

I'm between the ages of 12-17

I'm a person! But seriously, I go by they/them

I sing, and I'm starting to learn piano

I may be planning on going to NYU when I go to college. And I'm gonna do Music and Education, so I can become a music teacher.

I've been told I'm crazy, but surprisingly it wasn't because I have mental illnesses. It was because I'm gay. Unsurprisingly, it was a priest in the southern baptist community who said that.

In my list of mental illnesses, I have, Clinical Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and Autism.

I am currently wearing a STAR Labs T-Shirt that is way to big for me (It was my dad's but it shrunk in the wash, so I stole it) and leggings. Otherwise known as my PJ's. I have not gotten out of my bed all day. :(

I've been on Wattpad all day. My life is boring.

I've actually got to go. My parents are insisting I come upstairs.

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