Death anniversay

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(Made this since it was Jungkook's birthday and Taehyung's grandma death anniversary 😭) And also this is a long one!

3rd Person's POV:

September 1, Jungkook's 22nd birthday. Every member of BTS went to Jungkook's house to celebrate his birthday.

Jungkook's POV

Ding Dong~

From the kitchen, I heard the door bell rang. I told my mom I'll get the door and quickly dash out to open it for them.

"Happy Birthday Jungkook-ah!" They all greet me with a cake and gifts in their hands. I saw Jimin, Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and Yoongi but no Taehyung.

"Where's Taehyungie?" I asked them looking for him.

"Oh, Jungkook-ah I don't think Tae can come right now, he umm," Hobi hyung tries to explain.

"September 3rd is his grandma's death anniversary remember," Yoongi hyung finish his sentence.

With that, I remember the time when he told our fans, on 3rd muster, that his grandma passed away. It was a heartbreaking moment for all of us but mostly Taehyung. It's hard to take that news when it was someone who raise you for 14 years, love you with all their heart and made them you to who you are now.

I looked down thinking all that. Things going through my mind.

Will Tae be okay right now?
Is he with someone right now?
Where is he right now?
And I hope he's fine.

"Kookie-ah are you not letting us through?" I heard Jin hyung, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Ahh right come in, come in," I step inside to let them in. They all sat in the couch while I went back to the kitchen to help my mom when I saw Jin hyung , Hobi hyung and Jimin hyung walking behind me.

"Why are you following me, you can just sit down in the couch," I told them, stopping my tracks.

"Well, you're the birthday boi so go sit there and we will help ahjumma (JK's mom)" Jimin said pushing me out of the kitchen.

I went to the living room and saw Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung, decorating the dining table.

"Aish Jungkook you're not suppose to see this yet but oh well," Namjoon panicked but calmed down.

"Well just help us here since you're there," Yoongi hyung passed me the balloons.

"I thought I was the birthday boi and don't need to do anything," I whined, with a teasing tone in my voice.

"Well mop head, have sympathy and help us here," Yoongi hyung grumbled making me tense up a little.

"Okay okay no need to get angry and WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE CALLING A MOP HEAD!" I yelled at him earning a laugh from Namjoon hyung.


Different dishes and desserts are on the table and a big cake with lots of candles. We all sat down on the table with my mom and dad standing up holding their phones, taking a picture of us.

"It feels different without Taehyung here," I mumbled under my breath making all of them look at him.

"Jungkook, you've been out the whole time when you're trying to blow all those balloons, what's wrong?" Namjoon hyung speaks up.

"O-oh it's just, let's just eat hm," I tried to change the subject which they all agree to. We eat all the food on the table but something's really bothering me.

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