Part 1

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The kingdom of Zanburan was one of many places that welcomed adventurers from all around the world. It became well known seven years ago, after its famous, or rather infamous, adventure deep down inside the earth.

The accomplishment of such a feat brought great consequences both positives and negatives. The kingdom started prospering, everyone acknowledged Zanburan as the home of the strongest adventurers and the population greatly increased, trusting to be safe in such a strong place.

The king, who bravely tried to face the problem firsthand, perished leaving behind a troublesome situation. The ground was now poisonous. It wasn't clear what specifically caused this but it is speculated that the dungeon was somehow being used by the kingdom itself and by killing it everything around died with it.

Zanburan's new born prestige was soon going to end as the kingdom itself would rot by the lack of food and ways to leave the cities.

The royal council, now called the wizard's council, decided that the only suitable way to preserve the cities and save everyone's life was to move everything elsewhere.

That was how the kingdom of Zanburan became the first flying kingdom to escape what everyone calls the "Black curse". That mysterious black poison that prevented everything from growing started to spread slowly but surely and was going to wrap the entire planet. No matter the countless attempts to stop or cleanse it. It was the punishment for killing something that some people started to think it wasn't supposed to be killed.

He sipped his tea, spreading his legs on the table while reading a commemorative scroll that talked about the damned event and gave new information on the current state the curse was in right now.

The big guy grunted, somehow annoyed by it. He didn't have much memories of that dungeon, neither of the king nor the adventurers who conquered that place. At that time he was just a kid, someone who dreamed to be just like them but not at the cost of destroying their own lives.

The door violently knocked. It wasn't strong but rather fast and quick... someone who was in a hurry to get in. He didn't bother as if he recognized who was doing that and continued reading his scroll.

The knocking stopped and instead the sound of key being inserted reached his ears that perked in response.

He sighed, dropped everything he was doing and closed his own door. He wasn't in the mood to be disturbed by what he assumed was his housemate.

The big guy walked towards the window, leaned on the rail and stared up. That's it. He only knew the color of the sky. No matter where he'd look it was always blue. Looking up or down didn't have any meaning. What at first was exciting and unbelievable soon became a boring prison with no way out.

His door burst wide open and a small chihuahua holding a mandolin. "Dude! I was knocking!" He said.

"Hmm?" He turned around and saw those huge bags under his eyes. "You've been at the tavern all night again."

"Of course I was!" He sat down, stole the tea he prepared for himself and chugged it down. "Oh yes... that's the good stuff."

"I was drinking that Reese." He reprimanded, rolling his eyes.

"Nova, my friend, you need to chill a little. You can make yourself another one. What's the big deal?"

He wasn't going to have another dumb conversation with Reese where he'd just twist things around to have it his way. "Whatever, I don't care. Why don't you take it easy? You should rest tonight."

He jumped onto the table and yelled. "Hey panda!" He stroked his instrument. "Do you know who I even am?! I am Reese the bard! I was made for entertaining people, mainly myself, and have fun!"

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