Chapter 1

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I am Shi Feng and I am a daoist monk.
I lived my whole life training and disciplining my self as a monk in a small temple far south. I have read all types of teachings and trained in the way of life. I excelled in all fields both physical and intellectual. I was the top student of my class then later became a teacher in the temple at the age of twenty. I teached my students fairly of  the ways of the monk guiding them to their chosen path. 

One day of m students ask me "Teacher is evil really 

the greatest enemy of man kind?"

I was silent as I had no answer to his question at all so I pat his head and

said "There are no enemies young one
it's just a misunderstanding or conflict of ideas."

My young student nodded and then left to continue on too his next class. I 

went to the temple and prayed a little before proceeding to the library to

read a few scrolls as well as confirm the question of my student until I

landed upon an unfamiliar scroll. I picked it up and read it, the scroll

talked about the small history of how the temple began and on how a lot of

its monks who studied here grew evil and did various of misdeeds all out

the village. I was shocked and read even further to know the reason

behind each of their actions yet not one part explained in detail the

reason of their deeds.

Only one thing that was the last words
each of them spoke as they died "I wish I had more time." I was

perplexed by their last words and read it again and again until suddenly 

these words glow into a blinding light engulfing me.

 The blinding light later then vanished and I found my self standing in

weirdly drawn circles and symbols with three other people and then a

man said "We welcome you heroes from another world we ought you to

save our kingdom from its impending dangers."

"Yes we will." said the three people. I was confused of the whole thing and

just followed their lead. I looked around my surroundings and found

myself in an unfamiliar place. I stood up and asked that person

"Where am I? Who are you?" 

The person looked at his companions beside him and later on then said

"Hero you must be in shock after the process please take your time and

readjust yourself to your new surroundings."

I stepped forward quickly and said

"You haven't answered my question yet."

The person then looked at all of us

and said "I shall take you to the king he shall tell you the details of your quest."

The other three persons followed the person who just talked to us to meet the king. We passed by an open courtyard where we felt the refreshing breeze of the wind. 

I said "What a fresh breeze you have here in your kingdom."

One of the men who was summoned with me was a short young boy with

curly hair said in reply "It feels like the air near the sea."

I looked at him perplexed and asked "The sea?"

The man with a tall stature and dark hair then asked "You have never been to the sea?"

The man beside him with blond hair then asked "Where have you been living that you have never visited the sea?"

I smiled in reply and said "Never I have been to the sea for my homeland has been surrounded with lush green forests and clear rivers."

The three of them were in awe as I talk about my hometown and continued walking towards the throne room. Arriving at the throne room we met the king and his advisers we walked until we are in front of the king the other three knelt down as they arrived in front of him I was the last one who knelt down as well as bowed down my head for I never know how to greet a king.

The king then ordered the four of us to rise and the king explained to us the situation of the kingdom.

There came the rise of an evil lord sent by the evil deity though this occurance happens every after fifty years this time it was abnormal the past fifty years there were two evil lords that were sent.

The heavy alliance of the other kingdoms had fallen to a great peril in defeating both evil lord. Until the summoning of evil lords again happened after twenty five years there were three.

The summoning of the evil lords became rampant as the years of summoning became lesser and lesser which leads to lesser time for preparation and countless of lives lost in the process.

Which leads to the decision of summoning aid from another world which would be called heroes.

The king continued and said "Now heroes choose your desired weapon of choice."

Then came a number of weapons from the huge door we came in with a lot of variations from daggers to great swords, bow and arrows to guns with bullets, spears to lances, axes, hammers and a lot more that I was unfamiliar with some of these involved magic.

The other three stepped up and latter choose their weapons.

I stood there in awe and in excitement especially in the items that involve magic then finally I decided on my weapon of choice.

All four of us then presented to the king the weapons of our choice.

The short young boy with curly hair got two one handed guns was Clint. The tallest man got a great sword was Gastov. The man with blond hair got a one handed sword and a shield was Max. I on the other hand got a staff and ten rings one on each finger. All of these are magic items.

The tallest guy Gastov objected saying "How come he is allowed to take ten rings and a staff? Who allowed him?"

I was confused and later said "Why am I not allowed? You can get one for your self I mean like there are like hundred of those being displayed over there." Pointing towards the magic item section I showed him the many rings displayed.

Then Gastov grunted and walked towards the magic item section and got himself ten rings as well. The other two didn't go and take rings for they thought it was a hassle.

Then the king cleared his throat and said "Very well now that you have chosen your weapons you will train under the guidance of our finest teachers."

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