Chapter 2

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Each of us went to the teachers assigned to us I was assigned to the person who summoned us. Then he introduced himself "I'm Sariel and I shall be your teacher."

I bowed down as respect and said "Please teach me well."

All four of us started our training smoothly to become the heroes we need to be for this worlds safety. A month have passed and the attacks from the different evil lords has begun.

Our trainings have been cut short and I heard Sariel speak to me saying "I wish I had more time to teach you more about sorcery and the usage of magic items."

"Time." As I hear those words I asked Sariel one last question "Sariel is there a spell where you could manipulate time?"

Sariel gloomily answered "No spell is capable but with an item yes."

I continued "Which one Sariel, which item?"
Sariel answered "The talisman of lost dreams."

"The attack on the kingdom has begun." Sariel said as the blowing of horns grew louder.

I ran and got the talisman of lost dreams and chanted as I ran to the front gates "The dreams lost in the abyss head my call as I summon upon the powers of the mystic arts and arcane bend the force of where the forces of nature abide turn around, look back, look forward, stop and continue as I hold the strongest force of nature and bend it to my will."

The battle raged on in the front gates metal clanging, explosions as well as screams of agony and pain. I went to the top of the watch tower and shouted "Upon my name I release you Chrono Sphere!"

Absolute silence enveloped the whole kingdom. I looked around went down the watch tower and ran towards the front gate. I saw all of them the demons attacking the front gate, the three heroes fighting against them along side with the army as well as their teachers. I walked in the battlefield seeing all of them frozen in their place.

I followed the long path in the open battlefield which is filled with demons frozen in their place until I reached where the evil lords await the result of the battle before deciding to ever go into the battlefield and fight. I seized the opportunity to kill the evil lords by beheading them.

Time then started to flow normally and I have killed all the evil lords the demons saw what I have done and they ran in fear a horn was blown to signal their retreat. The frontlines of the kingdom were left astounded by the sight.

As I walk back to the kingdom with the heads of the evil lords. I arrived at the kingdom and presented to the king the heads of the evil lords.

The king was astounded and said "Well done great heroes you have defeated the three evil lords and saved our kingdom from its perils."

I raised my hand and said "My king it is only I who defeated all of the evil lords."

The king asked "By your self? Impossible don't start spouting nonsense."

Gastov then started to speak "My king if what he said is true then he is a great danger to the kingdom."

Clint then followed up "Indeed my king we must dispose of him so that this kingdom can truly acquire peace."

Max later on objected by saying "All of you we must not turn our backs into each other right after we just won the war."

Gastov then rejected saying "No! He might rise into another evil lord if ever we don't take him out right now."

I replied in defense "Exactly as Max says, Gastov I hope you wont regret going against me."

Gastov then nashed his teeth and let out a battle cry then I responded by stoping time and then delivering the final blow to Gastov. Everyone in the throne room saw this scene and were scared. Some screamed some fell down in silence with a look of horror in their faces.

The king then ordered "Kill him. Kill the hero for he has turned his back upon all of humanity!"

The soldiers, adventurers and mages in the throne room immediately gave haste and tried to kill me with Clint supporting with gun fire from a far. I held my ground and killed all who went against me whether they were an old man or a woman I killed them all. I lastly killed the king after I killed Clint where his bullets never grazed or even reached me at all.

Max saw this scene and readied his sword asking "What do you plan to do now?"

I answered "I will leave for the farthest land in this world hopping no one would ever bother finding me."

Max swallowed some of his saliva and then asked "Your power is to stop time right?"

I was shocked and replied "Yes, how did you know?"

Max then answered "Leave now and never bother with this realm again."

I was shocked by Max's answer and decided to follow his suggestion I left the kingdom and started my journey towards the east.

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