The Travelling Hero

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It has been three years since the end of the war. I have been traveling from different places introducing my self as a peddler. I offer my services to different people who are in need of my help. I healed people of their wounds and sickness with magic sometimes through mixing medicinal herbs which I practiced and studied in the past. Life was hard not having a proper and stable job to gain money and live in this world. 

Luckily that the barter system still works in some of the merchants in this world even with the proper currency that they have and it varies in different kingdoms. The norm though is through three different currencies which is bronze, silver, and gold coins. To be able to live normally like have a nights rest in a room and three meals is ten bronze coins a day. The overnight stay is only of three bronze coins it includes breakfast.

My life was going through smoothly until an adventurer came to me at the inn's restaurant and said "Are you the one who they call the travelling hero?"

I was perplexed by the question of this adventurer and I asked "Who is this travelling hero miss?"

The female adventurer then answered with a long narrative story "The travelling hero was once a rogue hero who joined the war in defeating the evil lords forces. The summoned heroes collaborated in defeating the three evil lords and their army that attacked the kingdom. After the three evil lords were defeated he claimed that he killed all of them by himself. The king and the other heroes were mad at the rogue hero and as they were to lash out their fury at him he killed the king the generals and two other heroes. He spared the last hero to deliver his tale and spread fear to the nearby kingdoms."

I was baffled at the tale this female adventurer has told me and said to my self that "This was me?"

The female adventurer continued "The rogue hero was then said to be travelling to different places seeking for a place to hide and try to live a new life. How about it peddler do you have any information about this hero I'm talking about I'll pay you just give me anything."

I looked at her and replied "I have none miss. I'm sorry if I am of no help." as I was about to leave a gun was pointed to my head and was fired. I quickly moved my head to the side and dodge dying immediately by my right ear was ringing and blood was flowing from the side of my face to my chin. I then flipped the table and succeeding five shots came after but it was to late I was already behind her and secured her gun as well as pin her down.

I asked her "Who sent you and why?"

The next scene after that was the female adventurer bit something hidden in her mouth and said these dying words "Glory to the empire." She dies a few seconds after she said that line. This has been what has been happening to me for the past three years. Being hunted by assassins and bounty hunters and if I suppress them and try to take information each of them commits suicide while saying those words. Now I am in a mission to find where is this so called empire for I may just give my self up and stop being able to see gruesome deaths such as hers. 

I left town afterwards the incident happened. I walked the busy streets of the kingdom of Exogaug where adventurers work and do quests and claim proper payment for each job they do. It was an unpleasant feeling knowing that I just killed an adventurer and I am walking in the streets of the kingdom known as the 'Adventurers Hub'. Quests are not the only thing that circulates as jobs for adventurers there are also Bounties. Bounties are of a different caliber no ordinary adventurer is allowed to do these jobs only the high ranking and most skilled adventurers are given the opportunity. 

The bells toll all around the city of Exogaug and an announcement was made "Attention all available adventurers in the city the bounty hunter assigned to hunt the 'Travelling Hero' has been killed. Bounty is all ready available for all adventurers willing to do the job. The description of this quest is to find the 'Travelling Hero' and kill him the reward for the completion of this task is three hundred silvers."

As I heard the price on my head I was shocked and as well as scared for my life. I took proper measures in covering my tracks and passing by the narrow street corners finding a way to leave this place until a man came to me and said "Sir are you interested in a safe travelling route towards the far eastern country?"

I stopped and look at the short and stout man wearing a robe with with a mask pattered after a crow as well as a tight brown suit paired with silk pants and leather shoes then asked "Who are you?"

Then the man said in reply "No time to lose come in if you are interested."

I stepped into the shop and realized that the man I was talking with was a smuggler. Goods that are banned from all places from herbs used to make drugs, cursed weapons, endangered species and as well as slaves. The man then said "Peddler or shall I call you the Travelling Hero may I acquire your services. Travel far to the east and give this package as well as this girl to my client then collect the fee."

I mustered my courage and said "If I decline this request of yours what would you do?"

The man laughed and replied "Then you will never find the empire."

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