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dear anthoine,

i'm sat here, a week after you passed away. i'm still speechless. i still can't believe you're gone. to you, i was probably just another fan, one who followed you from GP3 to F2. to me, you were a champion. you always pushed to be the best you could be. i'll always remember you through your interactions on instagram with callum and jake, teasing the two of them endlessly. i'll always remember your passion, you loved racing so much. i'll always remember your friendship with charles, pierre and esteban and not to mention the friendship you had with the other renault academy drivers like max and jack.

seeing max in tears during the minute silence hurt. it shows how much you meant to the other drivers.

we had another crash this weekend, this time it was in F3. alex peroni hit one of the sausage curbs in the parabolica corner. it shit me up. i didn't think he was going to walk away. i thought i'd be writing another letter like this one. but he got out of the car and walked away. it was painful considering just a week ago we'd lost you.

considering this isn't the first time i've felt pain like this, the pain of losing a beloved driver, it feels like it's the first. i remember finding out jules had passed. i had finished school and it was on the news. i cried. when I heard about your crash, i was at work. i'd been there for maybe an hour. it was 5:35 here when you passed. when your injuries got the better of you. i broke down. i balled my eyes out. i didn't know how to take the news. my hands were shaking and for days i cried when I so much as heard your name.

i'll forever miss you, tonio 💔

- lauren

submitted by milkmannorris.

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