Chapter 3

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- After school -

He was waiting in the entrance for the new girl, awhile later, she arrived with a list in her hand.

Carol: The good news is everything we need is available: The cake, the fairy lights and all of the party designs... The bad news is: the gifts will be so hard to get...

Lincoln: Really? How?

Carol: During the lunch, you said that she writes poems, watch vampires' shows and believe in supernatural stuff. Didn't you?

Lincoln: *Nod*

Carol: I have some friends and allies knows which gifts should be picked, but they are little expensive. And that comes to you...

Lincoln: How?

Carol: I have 27 friends and allies who can work for you, but you work with us as well.

Lincoln: If this helps me making Lucy happy, I'm in.

Carol: We are making a show in the stage called: "Sold it for you". It talks about a person who risks his life just to save the ones he loves. It will happen in the final week of this month. Also, there are some exhausting jobs but it helps you in earning good money quantity. What do you say?

Lincoln: Usually I don't like work, but my mind refuses staying like this with Lucy in this condition... I accept!

Carol: Don't worry about the time, one of the friends will explain to the teachers and your family that you have a "project" to finish with me. Then we will work hard for the sake of your beloved demonic darling...

Lincoln: Demonic darling...?

Carol: I mean Lucy you idiot...

Lincoln: I understood that part, but what's the meaning of "darling"?

Carol: You said that you have 10 sisters, right? Also you said that you want to work for Lucy's happiness...

Lincoln: What are you referring to?

Carol: In my opinion, I don't think you've cared that much about one of your sisters, right?

Lincoln remained silent; Carol had a point about this.

Lincoln: You're right... Lucy is the only person in this family that doesn't feel happy. I feel guilty for her when I see that sad face. And it could be worse if nobody cares about her, especially in her 9th birthday...

Carol: And that's why I offered you my help, I really wanted to have the feeling of people who has brothers and sisters. Helping the like of you is the same thing...

Lincoln: Don't you have brothers and sisters?

Carol: I have no family, Lincoln... I'm a lone person who lives with a cat surrounded by good neighbors...

Lincoln: Sorry for that... Anyways, will we start tomorrow?

Carol: Sure my friend... See you tomorrow!

They both went in their ways toward home, Lincoln wondered how his parents would act about this. Will Carol really solve the problem of school in order to get him working for the birthday party for Lucy?

The answer at 4th chapter

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