Part two

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The next day of school went how pretty much every day did for Jisung. Apart from the fact that all day he was being watched by Felix, one of Minhos friends.

Whenever Jisung was looking at Minho, he'd turn to see Felixs eyes on him. And he didn't like it. Not one bit. He just couldn't see what Changbin saw in him, he seemed like a dick. A nosey one at that.

Jisung waited behind after school, he remembered that it was Thursday which would mean Minho has dance practice.

He watched as Minho executed each dance move beautifully. And he found himself smiling widely at the sight. As he was watching the boy dance he could suddenly sense someone behind him, so he slowly turned around to see who it was.

"The fuck are you doing weirdo?" It was no other than Lee Felix himself. Jisung didn't know how to react, so instead he just stared at Felix in shock.

"Answer me creep! Why are you always staring at Minho? You a stalker or something?" He yelled, grabbing Jisung by his collar.

"N-no I'm not a fucking stalker let go!" Jisung shouted back, struggling to get out of Felixs tight grip.

"Yeah right. Minhos gonna freak once I tell him the weirdo from maths class is stalking him. He's gonna hate you so much" Felix scoffed, loosening his grip.

At his words, Jisungs eyes widened. *Minho will hate me? What is he talking about? I cant let this dick ruin everything for me*. Jisung harshly pushed Felix backwards and stormed off out of the school. Or so Felix thought.

Felix decided to walk home alone with his headphones in. He took out his phone and sent a message to Seungmin;
Felix:Mate you'll never guess what.
Seungmin:What is it?
Felix:That weirdo, Jisung, he's obsessed with Minho.
Seungmin:Wtf...did you say smth to him?
Felix:To who? Minho? Not yet. I told Jisung that I was gonna tho. You should've seen the look on his face lol.

Felix turned the corner to walk through an alleyway that lead to his house. Just as he was about to exit the alley he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, and then everything went black.

{Btw when I write using these '**', it means they're Jisungs thoughts.}

[Thoughts? Theories?]

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