Chapter 4: He has a crush?

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(OWO I am back)

Your POV

As usual you struggled out of bed, pulling the covers as you fell off of your bed. "Honey get up! You have school!" You grunt as you make your way downstairs. You turn at M/N, she held up a plate with some food on it. She then put it on the counter as you sit down, the morning routine was the same as yesterday. You hid the dragons parts that you had exposed, then walked out the door into the car. Few minutes later, you pulled up in the front of the school as you got out, M/N waved goodbye to you then you did. You saw Melvin then felt your cheeks heat up, Those..those feelings again.. always making me feel nerveous.. C-curse Melvin and his looks! You thought, then George and Harold would walk beside you. "Oh uh, hey guys.." you said, facing them. "Hello, Y/N!" George said, "How is the school for you so far?" Harold asked, "Eh, it's fine.. I just wish the principal wasn't so.. bossy.." You would say, "Well, Mr Krupp never really seemed like a.. nice and fair principal, well.. we thought he wasn't.." Harold said, "He'd sometimes be very bossy, but he is our princible.. And there's nothing that we can change about that-" You heard and explosion from the principles office, you heard snickering then, "GEORGE, HAROLD!! Principles office now.." The last sentence you heard was a mixture of evil and a joyful tone, "What did you guys do?!" You said, "We'll tell you, after.." They then walk over to the principles office. I am suprised that they even have the nerve to pull pranks at the start of morning time.. you sighed then walked over to your locker..

Melvins POV

I can't believe it! People are finding about my crush, Erica! I sighed, I shouldn't focus on that though, I have many things to worry about! I am getting distracted by my own thoughts and I made a deal with someone.. He's supposed to help me get into Ellitinati academy.. (sorry if that's not how it's spelt) I take some notes down then heard some kids chanting about, my crush?! I only heard a little bit of it, but I couldn't make out with the other words that they were saying, I hope that erica doesn't find out, but what about that girl?.. Should I really confirm that Erica is my soulmate? What if that girl is.. UGH, NO! I can't like someone else this quickly.. I'll just do my work.. After class, I take out a paper of confessing to her.. I run into the bathroom and start practicing my words I walk out very confident, as soon as the bell rang.. I see Erica, then start to sweat.. Is this what I really want to do? I saw Erica leaning against a tree, I see that girl again.. I kinda blushed at her beautiful h/c, but brushed it off when I approached Erica.. I gulp as she looked at me, "Uhm, do you need anything?.." She said, I blushed as sweat trickled down my forehead.. "Erica Wang, we've known echother for very long and.. I want to confess.. I-I like-" She cut me off, "Hey uh, sorry to interrupt but.. I already know what you are going to say.. I am sorry Melvin but.. I don't feel the same way.." My eyes widen, soon they fill with tears.. "Oh uh, hehe.. T-thats o-okay..." I say, trying to not burst out in tears, "Sorry." She said blankly, I walk normally so people don't take notice, then start running to the bathroom and letting all my tears out.. My glasses fell to the floor as my tears formed into a puddle.

Your POV

I-I can't believe it! He likes Erica?! She did decline though.. But why? He is so cute!! But, I don't know much of him.. So she must have had some issues with her in the past.. Some tears filled in your eyes before some hit the floor, you felt betrayed and hurt.. But she at least declined.. You still felt hurt, but tried getting over it..

2 weeks later. . .

It's been two weeks now, you are getting over your crush, Melvin.. But focused more on school and not the unnecessary drama filling up in our mind, you were drawing a cat. Many people admired your drawing, even Melvin was impressed that you were the only one who was better at drawing then Harold, or at least that was his opinion.. You were flattered but got over it, It's like he's mocking me! Euugghh, I can't take it anymore.. I feel like I still like him.. But I thought I was getting over him! I am not mad but.. I kinda like it?.. You shrugged it off and continued drawing, though you kinda tease Melvin sometimes, but he finds a way to tease with your feelings aswell.. Making you very flustered.. Let's hope he doesn't do anything that will cause trouble..

Heyyyyy, sorry I haven't been uploading recently.. Y'know, school started and all of that.. Anywho.. If you want to ask me some questions or you want me to do anything else then, leave that in the comment section.. Until next time you guys, BYYYEEEEeE!

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