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How do we REALLY feel about each other?(Q&A) ft.Queen

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Lori Harvey
987k subscribers

"Hi guys! It's Lori here. Welcome back to be my channel. Today I'm here with a guest." Lori she smiles

"Meeeee!" Queen cheers.

The ladies both laugh after her introduction,"And today we're filming a Q and A. I know you all have questions, and you've all been waiting for this video, so here it is."

Lori pulls out her phone,"I asked you guys to comment down some questions and I've seen a few of them, most of you guys want to know the same things so we're finally going to answer your questions."

Queen nods,"Yes. And hopefully you all can move on how we did."

"Alright here's a question for the both of us. They want to know how we met. You want to answer this Queen?"

"We met through Instagram. I remember you following me and I knew of you because I kept getting DMS about you and Chris. But I wasn't too sure about what was going on with you guys,"Queen shrugs.

Lori laughs,"Me and Chris didn't have anything going on. It might've seemed like it because he was a big flirt, but me and him developed a friendship. But yeah, I had followed you and you followed me back minutes later. And we didn't start talking right away, but we would comment on each others stuff and then we finally started messaging each other."

"Yeah, it was a while before we actually met in person because of our hectic schedules and things like that."

"Oh, here's another question I just answered, did I date Chris. Nope. Someone asked what were you thinking?"

Queen laughs,"Like what do they mean?"

"I'm sure they're talking about the whole situation. What were you thinking?"

Scratching her head she says,"I don't. It's weird doing this hole thing on camera, because we already said our peace. It wasn't in my intent to hurt you, this was my first music video, and I wanted it to be good."

"But do you feel like you were doing too much? Or...?"

She shrugs,"Looking back, I know why you were do mad. Honestly, I didn't care back then, just because I had forgotten how it feels to be on the other side."

Lori nods, satisfied with her answer. Queen turns to Lori,"They sent me questions too, do you mind if I share some?"

Lori shrugs,"Go ahead."

"They asked how did we reconnect."

"It honestly took a lot for me to even respond back to you. First me and Clare got on mutual terms. And then I congratulated y'all on the baby, you didn't respond, but you did see the message. But it took a while before you decided you wanted to talk to me again. And that was the week you came out to LA."

Queen nods,"Yeah...I remember seeing the message, I just kind of forgot about it honestly. Me and Clare had a long talk about everything and he convinced me to just try to be mutual with you seeing as we would see each other at events sometimes. And it was awkward."

"Well that's that question. We met up and talked it all out. But we wanted to remain low-key with it. That's also why none of us follow each other."

"Wait, I follow you," Queen scrunched up her face.

"Really?" Lori laughs. She then goes to check her followers and searches Queen's name, and there it was,"Oh wow. I didn't even know you followed me again."

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