Day 1 - Sleepy-eyed

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Owl hoots, bird noises and other sounds filled the forest as the twilight turned into darkness.

Without light, the forest lost the eerie shadows, but seemed more formidable to Prince Fredrik.

Dressed as a soldier, he stood watch, commanded to set free a pigeon from its cage hanging on a close branch if any humans crept anywhere near him. This would alert the castle guard that strangers were, indeed prowling close to the capital of the kingdom. If there were seven or more in a group, he was to free a second pigeon.

The prince listened to wolf howls as they grew louder, followed by some creature within the same species as the wolf, but not able to howl.

His eyes wide open, he kept his hand on the hilt of his sword. This assignment was a first! Due to his latest prank and what his father called, 'irresponsibilities' he had been given over to the captain of the castle guard to be disciplined. This watch, tonight was his first commission.

His father, King Maurike, warned that If he failed, if he fell asleep or left his post, he would be severely punished in such a way that would change him forever...

Strange chatter sounded close, followed by screams that went on to change into yipping and yapping. What on earth could this animal be? —he wondered.

An hour passed... then another... and another...

The wolf howls sounded more distant as did the other creatures.

Noises of strange small beasts that chattered and yapped faded...

Owl hoots ceased...

The wolf howls diminished ...

Midnight loomed and the prince grew sleepy eyed.

'Boring, boring, boring...' he mused, brooding... I'm not prince of a kingdom but a soldier of boredom. This is the most monotonous, senseless, useless, lifeless... thing... I've ever done in my life... but no, I mustn't fall asleep... likely I'll turn into one of those yipping, yapping, chittering, chattering creatures, or what worse punishment could there possible be? This takes the cake.

He wished the animal sounds would return but silence reigned.

Sidling down the tree trunk, he sat with his knees drawn, hugging them. Telling himself that nothing, no creature, no person, no enemies were anywhere near him, his head dropped forward, he felt his eye-lids sagging...

His eyes closed and fell fast asleep...

He dreamed he saw an owl in a tree; it's eyes boring into his...

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