Day 5 - Perilous Peak

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"Unlike you, Fred, I was given some tasks I had to perform to earn my way back. The first one was to find my companion-helper which I believe is you."

'You didn't find me, Fee, I found you. And my challenge is to become a better person; to be brave, diligent, loyal and worthy. So far, in my life, I've proven over and over, I am none of these and I'm not sure if I can change myself. Look at me!' 

Felicia was silent and he remembered her words as well as one of his biggest faults. He sent his thoughts, 'One thing I do is that I make everything all about me, and I just did that, so I'm asking you, What is your second task?'

"It is to persuade you to climb Perilous Peak with me and to view our two kingdoms from the top. While up there, the third task will be revealed. But how will it help you with your task to prove yourself brave, diligent, loyal and worthy?"

'One thing, Fee, is that I hate heights, so I'm not going to climb that peak with you. I've seen it and to climb up there is likely impossible...' 

"Just come with me and take a look, Fred, please."

"No, I'm not coming."

"How then, Fred, will you find bravery if you won't take a little step of courage and join me, at least to go to the foot of the peak? —You just have to take one step at a time."

Fred agreed, saying, "One step at a time, then Fee —you lead the way."

Fred kept going, one step at a time, to the bottom of Perilous Peak. When they arrived, the massive mountain was shrouded in mist around the bottom. 

Felicia urged, "Just one more step; please come with me, Fred, keep coming, one step at a time.

Fred tried to look up the mountain but the cloud from above joined with the mist so that only a few yards was visible. It didn't look very far to a small flat place above him.

Felicia scampered ahead and Fred followed. On and up they went. Felicia raced ahead of him and he took the challenge to catch up with her ... soon they were both breathless and paused to rest a bit. Fred looked down, but the mist blocked his view.

Not realising that over an hour had passed, Felicia called from just a little way up from him, "The top of the peak is in view now, Fred, but I need you help. You'll have to lift me up or I can't reach the crevasse above."

Fred helped Fee up and Fee reached a paw back to pull him up to join her. They did this for almost an hour. With the friendly mist, it didn't seem so steep, but before long, they were at the top of Perilous Peak. 

"Wow, this is, the size of a large field," she exclaimed. 

"It's the size of the city square where I come from," Fred said. He wasn't afraid anymore and told himself to remember that mountains can be climbed if only you take one step at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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