Day 3 - Stones and Bones

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 The sun was up when Fredrik clambered from where he'd stayed to recover after crawling from the stream.

A growling sound followed by a dark shadow blocking out the sun, caused him to freeze.

Turning his head to look up a dark furry body, he saw a bear's open jaws outlined with yellow-white teeth. Thick drool hung down from both sides of its mouth.

Paws raised now, it bowed down towards him and with one swipe of a paw, his claws dug into Fredrik's underbelly, lifting him into the air, causing him to scream. The sound came out like a series of sharp yelps.

It flashed in Fredrik's mind that bears were carnivores so likely he would be this creature's breakfast.

Biting deep into the arm of the bear, above its claws, caused its paws to retract. Fredrik hung by his own teeth.

The bear swung it's paw up into the air and shook it. Fredrik flew into the air. He closed his eyes then opened them as he felt himself falling. Foliage and branches broke his fall a little. He landed on his back, winded.

With a growl, the bear was almost on top of him. As it pounced, Fredrik dived between the monster's back legs. Not looking back, he scampered along the bank of the stream and into the undergrowth. On and on he pushed himself until he was out of breath and could run no more.

When he caught his breath again, he longed only for somewhere to hide; this would be his purpose for the day, to rest and recover in a place where no bear or any other dangerous creatures would reach him. Everything, everywhere on his body, hurt...

He listened... and listened...

There were no sounds that would be apparent if someone, or something was creeping around anywhere near him. But also, there were no bird sounds. He wonder if this were strange and decided it must be.

He would stay right here, he decided, until he heard the birds twittering again.

I've been brought up in a castle, more like a palace, with protection everywhere, food provided, clothes, horses and so much more... I don't think I can do this. I've never been brave... or very diligent and certainly, I realise, now, not worthy...

"Foxes have holes," this quote came to him, but from where, he couldn't remember. His head hurt; his tail burned again and he wished for the cool water of the stream, if only he could find it again; he needed to drink...

A cave, I will look for a cave, one that has water in it. I'm sure I've been in a cave where there was water... how will I find one? He had no idea.

It came to him — the quote. There was more, but he remembered the bit about the foxes... It was quoted by Brother Marcus, one of the monks who taught him Latin...

"Foxes have holes, but I have nowhere to lay my head," the quote said. That's just like me... I've got nowhere... but I do know that is from the book of Matthew in the Bible, so if I get out of this, I'm going to look it up, that's a promise to myself...

He thought about this for some minutes, then said a prayer in his mind, I can't do this on my own, I need help, God. Please, if you help me, I will remember you and I will learn to follow you in a whole new way... show me a place where I can hide, please...

The birds began to twitter and soon the forest was alive with their tweets. Taking it as a 'sign', Fredrik crept in the undergrowth until he found a path. He followed it.

An hour later he found a cave not much taller than himself. Entering it was to go from sunshine into darkness. It began to descend becoming steeper and steeper until he slid down, down, down. Wriggling, trying to turn so that he could return to the entrance, caused him to slide even more.

Down, down, he slid until stones were under his feet. Not only stones, but bones as well...

So much for praying, he thought. Now I'm hungry as well as thirsty...

Crawling further into the depth of this dark cave, his front paws touched a pool of water. He lapped and it was the freshest, sweetest water he had ever tasted.

All right, then God —Thank you. He lapped more and filled his little belly with the water. Not only did it quench his thirst but it stopped his hunger. Thank you again,God, he prayed.

He wanted to sleep, but felt too sore so he licked every sore place he could reach before he curled up and slept right there, at the edge of the pool among the stones and bones.

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