290 days before

92 12 17

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luke continued to write more and more poems about happiness and love and purity. with each stanza he wrote, he felt himself turn happier and happier. it was the feeling he could never get from writing those suicidal poems he wrote when he was in his dark days.

not everyone appreciated it, but luke didn't care. he wanted to do this, and he was going to do what he wanted. luke wasn't going to take shit from anyone again. if he was happy and others were inspired to be happy, he would continue to do it.

he knew that this was really, truly beautiful.

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elicia was starting to receive more and more days off from helping in the farm. she didn't know why, but she wasn't complaining. well, maybe a little; how will she finally get the body she wants?

all the free time she had was spent with pablo and her other friend, denise. like pablo, she also liked that poet guy from tumblr. but this time, elicia understood why: he started to write better. the poems, instead of depressing, were now inspiring.

one day, when she received another day off, instead of visiting pablo or denise, elicia went to her room and turned her laptop on. although her family wasn't wealthy, they still managed to buy what they wanted once in a while, thanks to the monthly shipment of her relatives from abroad.

elicia went to the poet guy's tumblr and read more of his work. she found out his name was luke, he lived in sydney and was sixteen years old. the same age as elicia.

it was surprising, how someone who wrote such tragedies also made beautiful - real beautiful - things. her favorite poems were the ones about love, because it was like he truly understood what falling in love is, despite his age.

he also had countless poems about love which weren't about falling in love. these were about loving yourself. elicia had problems with that, and it felt good - no, scratch that, amazing - to finally know someone who went through the same thing.

she needed to know more. she messaged him.

Anonymous: hi, how are you?

seconds later, he replied.

luke-is-a-pepepenguin answered your question!: no, it's "how high are you." hi, i'm luke and i'm doing great. how about you? :-)x

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You: no, it's "how high are you." hi, i'm luke and i'm doing great. how about you? :-)x

luke didn't expect the anon to reply back. he/she said:

Anonymous asked: why hello, luke. i'm elicia and i'm doing fine, i guess. i absolutely adore your poems, btw. :) <333693

he laughed at the '69' inserted inside the heart emoji thing. the blue eyed boy took a moment to think of what he could reply back and quickly typed up:

You: hello, lady elicia. how come only fine? :-( you should feel great now that ur talking 2 d one n only luke hemmings :-p i like that 69 btw ;-) oh and since i told u my last name, whats yours? :-D

luke enjoyed talking to her, he found it amusing and entertaining and a nice change from everybody badgering him to post something new seconds after a new one is posted. the anon - elicia - replied:

Anonymous asked: dont say "lady" i feel old

btw talking 2 a jej like u aint somethin i want 2 do :P but i like you so my last name is geronimo :))) i dont rlly like it????? i like yours tho. i can turn it into hemmo, hehehehemmo, hemmommo, i can yell hOY HEMMO idEK

he was laughing when he saw elicia's message, but was confused by some words she used. what was a "jej"? or what kind of word was "hoy"? was it like a "hey," just misspelled?

luke wrote another reply.

You: HOY ELICIA what does jej and hoy mean uh buT I STILL LY

GERINIMO IS A GOOD LAST NAME ITS LIKE GERONIMO STILTON THE MOUSE IDK and call me hehehehemmo or hemmommo and i will shoot u jk ily where are you from? :-) ja

within a minute elicia already had a reply for him.

Anonymous asked: hemmommommo jejemon is a very hard thing to explain but just search "chicser"

but "hoy" means hey in my language OUR LANGUAGE IS CONFUSING AND FRANKLY IDEK HOW THE FUCK THESE WORDS WERE FORMED your noses are rlly starting to scare me but to answer your question i live in the philippines hbu??

luke enjoyed talking to elicia. her replies were always quick but witty. it made luke feel as if someone actually wanted to talk to him, which as a feeling he rarely felt.

he decided it was beautiful.

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a/n: please tell me what you guys think about it!!
oh and idk if there's someone who has luke's url but if it's yours tell me so i can change it immediately!

just additonal information elicia's url is my url so i wont have to make something up (literally i suck shit at that) but in this chapter she's talking to luke as an anon ok js

- nicole x

((and speaking of just saying have you guys heard the preview of just saying hOLD ME))

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