Chapter 10 - The Banquet

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"Wear something fancy, he says. It'll be easy, he says." You grumbled quietly to yourself, alone in the dressing room. In Hell, nice clothing was particularly hard to come by and in order to find something you needed to do some digging.

You were going to go with something a little fancy and imposing. Obviously red, and skintight. Alastor had contacted you a little while ago and told you to dress up, so here you were. There were many options, but only one caught your gaze. It was floor-length, off-the-shoulder, and had a nice little slit by your knees so you wouldn't be restrained. In your opinion, it was perfect for the occasion. Alastor had said that at these sorts of gatherings (which happened rarely), would perhaps break out in a fight, with all of Hells most insufferable in one room. Interacting.

"This will suffice." You murmured to yourself while taking it off and tucking it under your arm. On your way out, you paid, terrified the lady working there, and bought a nice pair of black gloves to match.

You were one step closer to impressing those you'd be meeting with.


The schedule time and date of the banquet had rolled around, and in all honesty, you were kind of looking forward to it.

Everything was ready. Your hair, outfit, makeup. You just had to get a ride there first.

After the short walk to the hub for taxis, you handed the information to your driver and instructed him to get you there without running off the road. He was quite incompetent.

"Thanks for doing the bare minimum of your job!" You passively grumbled, waving him away and throwing a quarter at his grabby fingers. Finally. You were there.

And it was quite grand, with lights and big marble columns, you stared in awe as many others began arriving too.
Stepping up the stairs, the clacking of your heels alerting the guards of your presence.
Waving at them, once looked suspiciously at you while the other checked some sort of list.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

When the guard he you a puzzled look as if he didn't understand what you had been saying. You sighed, cringing.

"Mistress of Blood?"

His face lit up and he scribbled something on the clipboard. You handed him your invitation while stepping past the two and holding your head high. The banquet was fancy, with good looking food stacked at the back of the room and a large crystal chandelier that looked above everyone conversing below you.

Stepping carefully down the stairs, you got a lot of looks from demons you didn't even recognize...perhaps you should've done your research. Looking around, pretending to either not notice their stares, or looking smug, you searched for a familiar face.

Then you spotted him. A familiar face indeed!
He also spotted you, it would seem. Immediately he put down his cup and excused himself from a couple of chatting demons. Curtsying slyly, he grabbed your hand and pecked it like a true gentleman.

"Alastor." You greeted, "I must say, you never specified just how many would show here..." you glanced around, bemusedly staring at his eyes. Scoffing, The Radio Demon took your hand and guided you over to his previous conversationalists.
"Lovely to see you, dear." He said, instead of responding to you. You nodded curtly while stalking over to a demon with a TV for a head and some fancy looking black-eyes female demon. Her gown was quite lovely.

"Vox. I hear you're the terrifying image of our friend The Radio Demon here." Said the walking TV, gesturing to Alastor, who still had his arm looped with yours. You nodded and gave his arm a little pat. "Indeed, although I won't be known as his shadow." You quipped loosely, winking at the fellow in front of you.

The woman with the void-eyes gave a startlingly sharp laugh and smiled, "Oh I love it! The names Rosie, pleasure." She said, taking your gloves hand and giving it a delicate shake. All the while she gave you merciless eye-contact, even without pupils.

You returned her smile and hard stare while bowing your head and admiring the luscious feathers in her hat. "(Y/N), although if you would like to refer to me as the mistress, I won't stop you." You silkily replied, turning to the TV.

"And you are?"

"Vox deary. Me and Alastor here go way back." Vox replied, giving you a crude, toothy smile. Everyone in hell was all about the smiles, what was up with that?

"Do you now?" You inquired. Without waiting for a reply, you gave Alastor a look and broke away for a moment. "Do excuse me, I'm terribly thirsty."

With that, you walked off to find some fresh air.


Watching you go, he let his eyes linger for just a moment too long. And it didn't go unnoticed. Rosie, attentive as ever, caught everything with those lifeless eyes of hers.

"You've certainly taken a liking to the Mistress." She snorted, giving you a questioning eyebrow raised.

"Certainly. What's not to love? Her destructive capabilities make her a magnet. She could so much as blink and have all three of us at her mercy!" He couldn't resist giving his loud show-tunes laugh. He giggled madly, leaning on his cane and watching you retreat outside. A pathetic excuse, she was just obviously overwhelmed. Not thirsty, of all things.

"I thought there was a limit? She's gotta have a weakness, you know. Power like that must be restrained." Vox pointed out, smoothing down his pin-striped coat.

"Her 'weakness' is yet to be found. At least, power-wise. I think her downfall is her moral compass." He spit the words with hatred. The other two just sighed, arching on immediately. "So she's still not accustomed to Hells unforgivable nature? She still believes there's good?" Rosie said, grinning widely.

"Of course she does. She's still only been about two years here right?" Vox questioner Alastor. He shrugged, "All I know is that she isn't quick to use her talent. What a waste." He tsked and turned back to the two after looking for her.

"A waste indeed. But probably for the best. From how it sounds, she outranks you already. I mean, with capabilities like hers..." Rosie trialed off, hitting his sore spot. He turned to her with a vicious glare, giving her emotionless face a cold look. "I'm the chaotic god around here. Like I said. She's too kind to do any real damage. I'm still number one here, and don't you forget it." He hushed her petty comment.

Vox snickered, clearly picking up the defensiveness in his tone.

I now remember why I never talked to these imbeciles.

"Oh, Al old Pal, you're not fooling anyone." He snorted.

Alastor gave him a seething stare, turning his head to the two morons he was, unfortunately, talking to. Alastor knew what the TV with legs was talking about of course. He was a curious fellow by nature, and he was intrigued by hells new addition.


But he wouldn't let these two see it.

"I'm going to find (Y/N)." He curtly quipped, whisking away before they could chide and mock him for it.


Fuck I can't havea schedule to save my life? Id say that lifes been busy, but I'm not about lying. Yeah,imlosing motivation? what about it? I'll update. I still love this story, im just going to be infrequent. At the moment, this particular scene is very fun to explore! Not sure where the plot is actually going though. Alas, Enjoy! 

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