2. The big day

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    Skyler's POV

One more day until I'll get to see the famous factory everyone's talking about. I can't help but wonder, is this a gift for my birthday? Because it is tomorrow.

    I'm so nervous. I can already feel my anxiety kicking in and I hate it. I shoul be calm! It's not like I'm going there for a real tour, so why the excitement? Mr. Wonka will probably just treat me like a parasite anyway. They all do.

    The day went by pretty fast. I worked again until 3 pm then got home and watched some TV. All the news are about Willy Wonka getting sued. Like, I get it, but it's been going on for a week now and I would like to hear other news too!

    I sighed, turning off the TV and preparing for bed. As I got in it, my brain automatically started thinking of Willy Wonka. I find him such an intriguing character, I can't help it.

     I kept thinking about him more and more, then I remembered the sketch I've made based on the kids' descriptions about him.

    I took my sketchbook and looked at the man I drew. I wondered how accurate it was. 'Guess I'll find out soon.' I thought.
      The most interesting part was that the kids' described Wonka as having purple eyes. That intrigued me the most. My favourite colour is purple, afterall.

    I looked at his silly haircut and giggled to myself. 'Even if he is insane, he still looks ridiculous!'.

     And with that, I turned off the light in my room and went back to sleep. This time my mind was clearer.

    At the opposite side of town

   Willy was in bed, wondering how the tour will go. He imagined the detective to be an old, grumpy man that doesn't like sweets at all, thus making himself more nervous as to how he will convince everyone that his factory is harmless.

    Charlie, on the other hand, was excited. He was happy because Willy could gain a friend from this tour. He didn't like seeing Mr. Wonka work all day by himself, without even a break. It concerned his little sweet heart everyday.

   And so, the day has come! Skyler woke up and went to the police station, where she worked. She still had 2 hours left to prepare.

    Willy and Charlie woke up in a hurry and discussed about what had happened two weeks ago, to freshen up their memories.

   The chocolatier went near the gates, looking for the detective that should arrive very soon. Charlie was waiting inside because he couldn't bare the cold.

    Skyler was just parking her car when all this happened. She took out her notebook in which she wrote every detail about the tour two weeks ago, and a pen. Plus her purse. She had her police uniform on, even the hat. It was obligatory. Over the clothes she had a coat, and some boots that went up to her knees and had a little heel.

    Her ears were freezing, sadly her bob haircut wasn't helping very much.

    Her ears were freezing, sadly her bob haircut wasn't helping very much

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