An Apology

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(HEY this is now one DAY BEFORE the last chapter, so yeah the next chapter will be continuing on with the last one.)

Steve's POV
Its been about 2 months since Germany and 1 month of living back at the Tower. We're all trying our bests to act like nothing happened but it's been really hard. Rhodes tells be that Tony's anxiety has been worse ever since I almost killed him....and Vision has be acting strange....and Nat won't even talk to me. I really messed up and I need to find a way to fix it.

Although we are trying to fix our broken trust within the team, S.H.E.I.L.D is constantly sending us off on missions or sending us off to do some research on missing people and old baddies that we fought in the past. Nick says that since it's common knowledge that the avengers split up and then came back together, it's most likely that someone is going to try and split us up again by using whatever they know. All of this to make us feel bad about ourselves and the things we's a crazy theory but knowing these psychopaths, it's definitely an option.

Anyways, the earlier today I heard Tony in the lab and he was in the phone.

Tony: what? No!.....I thought you said you'd swing over?.....oh......*sigh* sorry kid I'll get Hap to bring you here......OH so then why are you calling me since you already made some more? thanks for making me feel bad.

And he ended the call laughing.

What was that about...?

Tony's POV
I was in my lab working on some upgrades for my suit when the kid called me. I was actually considering calling him since he was supposed to show up at the Tower 20 minutes ago and the kid is hardly ever late. Here's how that conversation went...

Peter: Where's happy? I thought he was coming to pick me up?
Me: what? No!
Peter: but I don't have a ride
Me: I thought you said you'd swing over?
Peter: i was goin to but then I ran out of web fluid! I texted him to pick me up but he didn't answer...
Me: I sigh sorry kid I'll get Hap to bring you here.
Peter: no it's alright now 'cause I just made some more.
Me: OH then why are you calling me since you already made some more?
Peter: because I wanted you to know why I'm late....but mainly so you'd feel my PAIN and you'd know what you've done! I've been out in the rain for like 30 minutes!
Me: wow thanks for making me feel bad.
Peter: you should.

I can just picture this kid pouting through the phone, which makes me laugh.
After my laughing fit he hangs up on me which didn't help cease my laughter.

God this kid is going to be the end of me- my thoughts were cut off by knocking.


I scoff at the sight of him, "what do you want?".
He just stares blankly at me. "Hello? Earth to Captain?" I say a little annoyed.

"who were you on the phone with?" He asks me.
"None of your concern" I reply coldly.
"Look, I came down here to just- I don't know...." he says while shaking his head. Why the hell does he want to talk to me? We just had a war for crying out loud! sure it was a few months ago but I'm not really over it since he almost killed me!

"Just spit it out already!" I shout in frustration.



Steve's POV
Well at least I apologized...just not in the way I had hoped.

I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I just shouted in Tony's face an apology. I made a written out apology that I memorized and was going to say.....all for me to just shout "I'm sorry" while having a mental breakdown. I'm such an idiot...

He just stared at me blankly, he showed no emotion but I could tell he was contemplating in his head. We stood in silence for what felt like an eternity before I repeated myself. "I'm sorry...I let things get it of control....I tried to protect Bucky because he's my old friend....and I took it too far because I was pissed....I wasn't thinking right....and to summarize I just wasn't in the right mind place back then, even before all the drama, I just wasn't in a good place mentally.....I'm okay now but I just needed to-to let you know.....I'm really sorry" I had my head hung low and I was about to leave the room when he spoke.

"I'm sorry too." He said and I looked back at him, he's eyes were glossy like he was about to cry. A single tear fell down his cheek. "I'm sorry" he said again in an almost whisper. Arg! I can't take this anymore! I was an emotional mess, I was sobbing and I just want to- I don't know! Tony's was in the verge of sobbing and I couldn't stand it any longer. I pulled him into a hug and be both sobbed. He cried into my shoulder while my head rested on his. He kept mumbling his apologies and that he shouldn't have gone so crazy and shouldn't have been acting like a child when he began to ignore me and some of the others. I kept shushing him to calm him down, even though I wasn't that calm either.

After about 10 minutes, we pulled apart and we gave each other small smiles.
"Oh shit- what time is it?" He asks and I look at the clock directly behind him. Does he really not know where his things are in this lab? He owns it and spends every second of everyday in here...

"It's 10:55pm" I say and he looks a little worried. "Is everything alight?" I ask. He took a moment to think before blurting out "yeah yeah, I just got to make an important call...."

Once again we were in silence and it was kinda awkward so I just waved goodbye and left the room, a smile still plastered on my face.

1133 words.
REMINDER: This chapter takes place a day BEFORE the last chapter I did. So BEFORE Tony talked to peter because he was questioning his cuts and bruises and shit-

and yea I purposely made this chapter so 1). It'd flow with the way I'm writing the storyline and 2). 'cause it's suspense for the next chapter 🤭

y'all this is just the beginning like the next chapters to come are the good stuff lmao. why? just wait and see....

xoxo- mayflower 🌷

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