This Poor Thing...

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Not gonna lie, the picture doesn't go with this chapter at all. It's just funny asf

Tony's POV
Oh my god we just kissed. Oh my god we just kissed. Oh my god we just-

He kissed me again. Now he's smiling at me. He's so hottttt!

I put my arms on his biceps and pull him closer and kiss him. He accepted the kiss and he put his hands around my waist and pulled me impossibly closer. Let's just say we had a nice make out session...

Eventually though, I had to kick him out of my room so I could finish my paperwork so I could adopt Peter. As I pushed him out the door and he said dramatically,"oh Tony! When will I see you again my love?" While flipping his nonexistent long hair. I laugh and tell him "soon dear, soon." And slam the door on him. I can hear him whimper from outside. God he's so cute.

Steves POV
I was a little upset when Tony kicked me out of his room, but I knew he had important papers to fill out. Dang it I never got to ask or see what the papers were....ugh. Well, at least I got a good kiss out of it.

I make my way to Nat's room to see her reading a book while Rhodey tampered with her taser. I guess they decided to wait together until I got back so I could tell them about what happened. I walk in and as I was about to start talking about the amazing time I just had with Tony, but I froze. "Clint get down and leave". Income Clint jumping down from the vents. "How did you knowwww?" He asks me in a very annoying childlike voice. "You're always up there so I just took a wild guess actually" I say, shrugging it off as he leaves the room.

"So you did it?" Nat asks me with little hope on her voice. "Yup!" I say enthusiastically and plop down on the bed, also gaining the attention of Rhodey. "Congrats man" he says while patting my back and I can't fight back my smile anymore. "Sooooo..." nat starts, "what did you guys do...?" She asks slowly and I can feel my face heat up. "Oh it must've been something baddddd" Rhodey teased me. My face got impossibly warmed.

"Well, you know. we kissed...a lot..." I say with a slight chuckle and they both laugh as well. We had a nice conversation about relationships and all that fun stuff, even if it wasn't so fun for me since I was getting picked on.

Happys POV
I brought the kid to the Tower since I figured Tony would take care of this situation. He was out on the street! During our car ride he refused to talk and curled himself in a ball with his legs to his chest. I could hear faint sobs escape his normally hyperactive self, but they eventually turned into soft whimpers. Every 5 minutes or so on our 35 minute car ride I'd ask him what happened and if he wanted to talk, but he just shook his head and sunk his head deeper into himself. This poor thing...

We walk into the Tower with me helping him walk, everyone at the front desk didn't ask what happened, but were clearly worried. They give me surprised and sympathetic looks as I made my way to the elevator and we make our way up to Tony's floor. Although the workers of the Tower were never properly introduced to Peter, they all knew him from whenever he'd come over and always happily wave to people. He's always so kind and generous to others, but it makes me wonder if others do the same to him. My thoughts were cut off by the ding of the elevator and Friday telling us we arrived at Tony's floor. Peter looked like he was going to pass out at any moment so I rushed to Tony's room. I knew I could've just called tony down to the lobby when we were still down there, but he didn't want anything distracting him from his paper work unless it was an emergency....but in this case the emergency would need to be taken to him privately or else the emergency would breakdown. I furiously bang on Tony's door until it flies open.

"WHAT THE FUCK IM BUSY HAPPY YOU KNOW THIS I WAS JUST FINISHING-" he stopped yelling when he saw Peter and his face softened. He took peter into his arms and looked up to me and mouthed "what the hell happened".

I was just finishing up the last of my paper work when I heard some loud ass banging on my door. I tried to ignore it at first, hoping whoever was there would get he hint that I wasn't to be bothered with, but they wouldn't stop. I swung the door open and yelled at...Happy? He knows I'm working right now!


I think whatever parental instincts I have kicked in and I imminently pulled the kid close to my chest and mouthed to happy, "what the hell happened?"

He looked at me and pointed to peter and mouthed back, "I don't know" while shrugging. "He'll probably tell you though" he says while giving me a sympathetic look and walking away. It's almost 1 am...and my kid is 1). looking like a lost and broken puppy and 2). isnt on his Spider-Man patrol. I would've thought something happened while he was spidermanning but he's not wearing his suit and Karen would've contacted me no matter what....

I pull peter into my room and sit him down on my bed. I go over to my desk area, hide the adoption papers, and grab a water from my stark mini fridge. I walk back over to the bed and I see Peter sniffling.
"hey..." I say to him with a soft voice and he doesn't respond, but I know he's listening to me. "You gotta tell me what happened bud...I promise everything will be alright" I say to him, trying to get at least one word to escape his lips, but alas he remains silent. I sigh. I kneel down in front of him and he looks to his right, trying to not make eye contact with me. I roll my eyes at his adorable shyness and tilt his head to face me. And dear lord did I regret doing that.

His face was red, eyes and lips were puffy, cheeks stained with tears and you could see more coming from the corners of his eyes. "'s ok...everything will be ok" I say to him in a soothing voice while standing up and laying down on my bed, pulling him down with my so his head was on my chest. He clenched his hands into my shirt and buried his head in the crook of my neck. He started to cry again. My poor baby...peter may be 15, but he's really like a toddler. He needs as much love as he can get and I'm more than happy to give him all of my love.

I pet his fluffy, untamed hair and hush him to sleep. I'm not sure what happened, but if someone hurt him (which it looks like someone did) they're not gonna see what hit them. AND THATS ON PERIOD YALL

1301 words
so yuh that's the end of chapter numbero I don't know 🤷‍♀️
Thank you all for the reads because I'm gaining more and more at an insane rate like woah. Love y'all 🙌🥰

Xoxo - Mayflower 🌷

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