Patrol The City

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Once-Ler from The Lorax is hot. That's it.

Tony's POV
It's a good Wednesday night. Everything just seems...perfect. I mean I have peter cuddling as close as possible to me and I noticed recently that's he's gotten a lot closer with Steve. It's nice to see my son and boyfriend getting along.

Tonight, since peter is sick, we let him pick out a movie. Clint was begging him to at least pick a Disney movie, or something animated so he chose this new movie called Spies In Disguise. It was strange to say the least. I mean, the secret agent turned into a bird? Also why does the dude sound like Peter?

Anyways, after that Peter let Rhodes pick a movie and he chose Sherlock Holmes. EVERYONE kept saying that I looked like him, but I just don't see it. Besides that, Peter fell asleep during the movie and it wasn't even dinner time yet. I let him sleep for another hour before waking him up so he can eat. We had sushi tonight and Peter do I describe it?

"Sushi? As in raw fish?" Peter asks and we all nod our heads. "RAW fish? Won't we all get salmonella or something?" We shake our heads, "it's unlikely" said Bruce while taking a bite and Peter scrunched up his face. "Come on kid, just try it!" I encourage him and after a little talking he reluctantly took a bite. "Woah..."

So that's how Peters sushi addiction started....

After dinner, Peter went on patrol for the first time in a while, I wonder why he began all of the sudden, I mean he stopped because of the adoption and continued to stop even after all the drama was over.... Uh Anyways so, I was a little concerned to let him swing around New York in this weather, and because he's sick. He kept saying he had the built in heater and he wanted to just go out for a bit and help whoever, so I decided to let him go. Once he left, the Avengers and I decided to hang out some more and play a few board games. About 3 hours later, at 1 am, a loud crash was heard from the kitchen.

"What the hell was that?" Sam, or the Flacon, yells.
"No clue but I'm going to find out" Nat says while rushing to the kitchen.
"We might need our suits-" Steve adds buts everyone ignored him because we needed to at least see what was happening. As we all ran into the room everyone visibly froze.

The room was silent until one of two of our unexpected guests spoke up. "Well I found him and-" our second guest cut him off, "I hate you people."

Peters POV
After dinner I decided to go on patrol for a little bit. I decided to start off the night by going downtown, where most action takes place, but there was nothing. Karen told me that there was a robbery at a museum a few blocks away so I swung on over. The door we're all closed except for the basement/ bunker door. I didn't want to stumble in that way because then they would easily know I was there, so I went to the top door on the rooftop. I climbed down the latter and it led me to the camera room. Guess they weren't smart enough to cut the cameras- oh wait never mind they have just barely explored the building yet. Huh, let's see what they do.

There's 6 guys wearing animal masks and dressed in all black, they also have knocked out the 1 security guard. No wonder they're being robbed so easily, only one guy on the shift? Really? They have yet to grab anything big or expensive, literally they have only grabbed little souvenirs and tiny models of boats. When they grab something actually worth money I'll jump in.

They all meet up in the middle of the museum, where the large T-Rex skeleton is. They dumped the little items they stole onto the ground...weird. They had small boats, rocks that weren't even special in anyway, fake crystals from the gift shop, candles, an old lighter from the 1900s and a smoke pipe to go with it. Why are these important? Oh and now the skinny dude had a necklace. OH BOY now it's my time to shine because he got that necklace from an actual exhibit- I mean of course I was gonna jump into action but I was waiting for something more exciting. I walked to the door but before opening it I took a quick glance at the cameras one last time. They were staring directly at the camera and one of the guys way missing- shit

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