Chapter 2/6

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Beyond the doors sat a much smaller room more lavishly decorated and furnished than the main hall. Dark blue velvet curtains hung on either side of the big picture windows that offered a view of the endless, colorful gardens beyond. A smaller chandelier dangled over a heavy oak table surrounded by plush armchairs and couches. In chairs at the end of the table across from each other sat Princess Azule and Princess Viridian.

"Your special guest, ladies." The mint-furred butler bowed before he left the room, closing the doors behind him. The noise of the busy banquet room beyond was quickly muffled.

Mug offered a deep bow, and the two unicorns stood up to address him.

"Oh, please, don't stand for me - " Mug blurted.

"Don't worry, Mug, we're not like the rest of my family." Azule began, shaking Mug's paw with her own.

"Yes," Viridian shook his paw as well. "We are not so...uptight as they are."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Mug. Please, sit down." Princess Azule gestured to the plush red and gold chair at the head of the table.

The unicorns sat down with Mug in between.

"So...your butler introduced me as the 'special guest?'" Mug began.

Viridian nodded. "Yes, every gala we hold, the two of us invite a citizen of the land to join us for a private dinner."

"It is our way of connecting with the community; something my own parents refuse to do." Azule grimaced. "A kingdom that does not take the time to know those around it is a kingdom lost."

"That is very noble, princesses." Mug smiled. 'This explains the random invite.'

Viridian beamed. "We do hope you enjoy our feast!"

"After dinner, you will be free to do as you wish. If you will be able to even move, that is!" Azule giggled.

Mug laughed goodnaturedly. "You might have to roll me out of here!"

It had been a joke, but something about the twinkle in the unicorns' eyes unnerved him. He quickly shook the unease from his mind as a different door behind them opened and a gray canine with yellow eyes stepped in.

This canine was a chef, a head chef in fact, given his uniform and name tag that read 'Head Chef Sunny.' He wheeled in a large card and unloaded several covered trays and a few big pitchers of ice water.

Sunny poured each of them a glass of ice water before he uncovered the platters. "For the appetizer tonight, we have caprese puffs: puff pastries filled with tomatoes, cheese, and basil. Enjoy." The canine bowed himself out, taking the empty cart with him.

Before Mug could reach for his own pastries, Princess Azule deposited a few caprese puffs onto his plate with a smile.

"Th-thank you!" Mug picked up one of the puffs and took a bite - it was cheesy, warm, and delicious. He quickly finished it and ate up another one.

The unicorns struck up a conversation with him as they ate up their own puffs. Distracted, Mug polished off his own puffs and reached for some more.

Soon, the platters of puffs were empty, and Sunny was wheeling in the next course.

"Tuscan tortellini soup," Sunny unveiled a huge pot of the soup. The chef placed bowls in front of each of them and spooned a healthy serving of soup into each.

Engaged in conversation again, Mug finished his first serving of soup and poured himself another.

Next came the side dishes: baked zucchini, fresh garden salad, and several different types of bread with bowls of oil for dipping.

After gobbling up the third course, Mug began to wonder if he would have room for the main course.

As soon as the main course was uncovered, however, he immediately knew the answer would be a resounding 'yes.' It was a balsamic and rosemary marinated florentine steak with herb potatoes.


After barely finishing the huge serving of meat and potatoes, Mug was feeling rather full. His suit was tight and he was feeling a bit out of breath. 'The next course has to be dessert, right? I mean, how many more courses could there be?'

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