Chapter 6/6

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Water occasionally dumped down his throat to relieve the dryness and trapped food, only to join the mass of the seven-course meal in his belly to bloat it ever further.

Mug closed his eyes, silently begging for the force feeding to stop before his thoughts began to get muddled.


When the seemingly never-ended parade of food ceased, Mug opened his eyes to find the dessert trays empty. Azule, Viridian, and Sunny were all rubbing and patting his impossibly large belly, suddenly cooing to him and praising him for doing such a good job.

"Well, Mug, you were a little feistier than most of our guests, but I am glad that we finally got you in the end!" Azule mused.

Mug could only moan, groan, and burp in response to all the sudden praise. His belly had surged into his lap and was now pressing against the edge of the table. In his stupor, it took him a few minutes to realize that the head chef had disappeared.

Mug's heart began to pound when the door behind him opened. Sunny came in carrying a large crystal bowl. He handed it to Azule, who in turn offered it to Mug. The bowl was filled with colorful pastel stars.

"Would you care for an after-dinner mint?"

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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