Chapter 1

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(Hunters POV)
"Wow, we're finally going to Antarctica, the land of the snow. Are you guys ready for everything?" I said.

"Yeah, but Marissa is getting cranky..." Alex said.

"I bet, she's been up for a couple hours now with almost nothing to do."

"Yeah... wish we would've brought her tablet"

"Mhm.. but there's no WiFi and Netflix isn't working."

We continued chatting while Gabe was on his phone listening to his favorite band. We all decided we were gonna take a nap to pass the time, due to having a couple more hours until we reach the airport. We are heading to South America before heading onto a boat with most of our stuff.

As we landed we were woken up by Gabe telling us we just landed. We all got up to leave the plane as usual. We grabbed our carry on bags and brought them with us. As we walked through the airport we waited until our driver got there. It was mid day. So we were gonna make it to Antarctica in a couple days time going on boat. But we don't mind.

(A few hours later)

We just entered the boat with our 3 bags of stuff. As we went to our rooms we separated out our luggage and who's stuff was what. After about half an hour we finally sorted everyone's stuff out. We opened our water proof back packs and got ready to meet the Antarctica in a couple days.

(In the Antarctic)

We just arrived to the Antarctic, and man it's beautiful.

"Woah..." I said, "it's so beautiful man..."
"Yeah." Both Alex and Gabe replied.
"You guys ready to explore?"
They both nodded their heads.
We grabbed our sleds and got ready to sled this icy wonderland.

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