Chapter 2

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(Gabes POV) 

We got done sledding for the day, and we needed to find a place to stay for the night, due to it reaching below 30. We started unpacking our light packs with the brick molds for us to make igloos. We each had a shovel with a brick mold. 

"Wow, this is a lot easier than it was when we did it in the winter." Said Hunter. 

"Yeah, I know. Its a lot more compact than what we had at home." I said. 

We kept on chatting about how soft the snow was. and how compact you could make it with little to no effort needed. In a couple minutes each of us had made 10 bricks each. That obviously wasn't enough for the igloo sizes we needed. So as Alex and Hunter were making the bricks I decided to make the base size of our igloos. We decided to make them in a 12 foot diameter to fit all of us in it. 

About an hour later we had about half the bricks needed to make the igloo, and I had dug out a big enough area to have a head start of making our igloo. As we started to place the blocks we saw that it might've been too big, but we just laughed and said it was fine. 

A couple hours later...

(Alex's POV) 

We just finished making all of the snow bricks we needed to make our igloo. In total I think it was around 300-400 bricks. So we started stacking them on top of each other and putting a small amount of water on the bricks to act as a glue. We wanted to make sure it wouldn't cave in as we were building it. As of right now it is about 5 feet tall and almost done being made. I love how it looks! It looks like an authentic Igloo. 

"Wow guys it looks great!" I said.

Both Hunter and Gabe smiled at that remark and came out to look at it. 

"Wow... it really does look great doesn't it?" Hunter said. 

"Yeah, good job guys!" Gabe replied, giving us both a high five. 

"Now we can start to finish it up." 

"Yep, lets get back to work" 

They went back to work as I played with Marissa. And we watched the boys build the rest of the igloo. It was gonna be a fun trip after all. 

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