Chapter 5

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(Gabe's POV)

As I entered the cave I suddenly heard cracking, and a crash like a bunch of snow hit the ground. I look back and see that the way I entered had collapsed in on itself. So I decided to keep going, even if I got lost. I grabbed a flashlight that we all had on with us, and started walking towards the darkness. And as I got deeper into the cave I knew something wasn't right. And almost as soon as I thought it, the worst happened. 

"Woah! What was that noise..?" I said, worried that it might be something bad. 

I turned around as slowly as I could and I saw something I feared. A polar bear, and it didn't look happy. I tried to remember, should I get as low as I can and pretend that im not a threat, or should I make myself look as big as I can. But then I remembered, they're afraid of loud noises! I pulled out my canteen and hit it against the ice, creating a gunshot sound. The bear growled and ran towards where I was heading. I decided to head back towards where I was previously, and not die. But when I came back, I saw something that shocked me. 

(Hunter's POV) 

"I don't think I should be down here..." We heard on the radio. 

"Where are you?" I replied

"..." Nothing. Just silence, then we heard screaming. 



"Gabe answer us!" 


I put down the radio and started putting on my gear, getting ready to go find where he went. 

"Hunter where are you going?" Asked Alex

"Im gonna go get that dumbass." I said, grabbing both of Gabe's and I's Bowie knives, which both weighed around 10 pounds each. And got stopped by Alex. 

"Please be careful" Alex said. 

"I will be, don't worry." I replied.

I went out of the igloo and went to go find that dumbass. 

(Gabe's POV) 

Fuck! Why was there a fucking baby doll's head down here. I dropped my radio and I can't find it. I need to find it. I went to searching around the immediate area until I hear a radio cherp. It sounded like Hunter yelling my name. I think... yes! There it is! I grabbed the radio but the battery's fell out. I'm not looking for them. Too cold down here to be looking for it. Instead I go back to looking for the part that fell in. Then I heard someone yell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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