Chapter 4

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(Before the snow storm) 

(Marissa's POV)

I like building snowman. They're fun to make because they are as tall as me! I love building snowman. 

(Nobody's POV) 

Marissa looked over to see her dad and his friend walking towards the ice cap. She looks curiously and starts to stand up. She knew that her mom wouldn't approve of it, so she decided to sneak towards where they were heading... until- 

(During the storm) 

(Hunter's POV) 

"MARISSA" I said when running towards the hole.

"OH GOD OH GOD PLEASE NO" Alex replied.

As we reached the hole where we were fishing and we saw something struggling. But when we got there it wasn't what we expected. It was our saw floating in the water. We all sighed in relief as we knew that it wasn't her. But then we hear a little girl's laughter. And we all stop dead in our tracks. We see a orange spot near the back of the igloo, and we start rushing back there. But as we were heading back we see the ground start to crack beneath our feet. We stop, and slowly walk back to camp. Assuming it was only from the hole we did earlier. Then we turned our attention back to the orange spot that we had saw earlier. 

"Marissa! There you are!" Alex said running to Marissa as we all started laughing about how stupid we were. We brought her inside and covered the igloo door with our backpacks. We laid down our sleeping bags and started to clean our catches from earlier, throwing them inside a bucket to dump tomorrow. We cooked the fish and ate them. It was actually good. After we got done eating we turned the heater off, and went to bed. Tomorrow is gonna be another day that we will hopefully enjoy. 

(A couple hours later) 

(Gabe's POV) 

Man, that was a great sleep. But I'm hungry and we don't have any fish left from last night. I'm gonna go fish. 

I moved our backpacks from the door so I could get out safely without waking anyone up. I knew that if they saw me going out this early they'd kill me. So I needed to be silent getting out. 

(Nobody's POV) 

As he got out he started heading towards the fishing area that they had set up in the previous day. Since it was still intact after last night. Once he got sat down the most unexpected thing happened. The floor caved from under his feet, leading to a small cave underground. He knew that there was probably food down there as well as free stuff so he went down there. He turned on his radio and kept it on, just to make sure if they call he can return in a respectable time. But what he didn't know is that he might not make it back out. 

(Hunter's POV) 

We just woke up to not seeing Gabe, but I decided to not say anything and give him his space. He probably needed after last night due to what happened and the scare we had. We started back up the heater and got ready to cook some food up once we caught it. We decided to save our canned stuff until we really needed it. As I got up I noticed that he took one of the radio's so we could call him. Thank god he did cause we needed his help getting the food, when suddenly we got a call from him, and he sounded worried. 

The trip of a life timeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang