The stage is set

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Freed P.O.V

"Ever? Evergreen? Come on, say some thing please." I begged. For the past 10 minutes she has just been staring at the wall, mouth open, eyes nearly bugging out of her head. I could feel a lump at the back of my throat and my eyes starting to water, "So you're a guy in a girls body and the drug you take to suppress the girl body just stopped working a couple of days ago? " she asked, not looking away from the wall."Yes" I answered quietly, suddenly she turned her head towards me and stood up, "What the hell Freed? How could you keep this from me? What about us being family? Did that mean nothing to you? " she screemed but before I had a chance to answer she walked off and down the stairs " She just needs some time," Bix put his hand on my shoulder " Come on dude get dressed so we can get you home and in bed." And with that Bixlow left me to get dressed.

Evergreen P.O.V

How could he keep this from me? I asked myself, Was I not a good enough friend? Did he not trust me?... These thoughts went round and round in my head.

"Ever!" I turned around to see Bixlow chaceing me, "I need some time Bixlow just leave me alone please." And with that I used my fairy magic to fly off.

Getting back to my apartment at fairy hills, I looked the door and sat down. Exhausted, I closed my eyes.

Freed P.O.V

I walked down the stairs just as bixlow walked in "Shes upset I kept it from her, I get it, she has every right to be mad." I said turning to the bar " I get that but still, how can she be this mad at you. You had a valid reason." He said as he sat next to me and signaled mira "Can I have a beer and a water for him." "Sure thing" and with that she slid two glasses to us and we went and sat at our table. " Dont worry, she'll come around"

Authors note
Hey, I know its shorter than normal and I'm so sorry but this is just sort of a filler chapter, next chapter will have some big plot points so I just needed to get the story to that point. I hope you understand and enjoy. See you next week 😊😊

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