Part 1

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Avery POV

"Hi, my name is Avery Mitchell, I'm 29 years old, work as a Sports Psychologist and currently live in Atlanta, Georgia. I have tried finding love using a variety of dating apps and going out with women I have met and been introduced too; so far, none of the relationships has lasted longer than a few months. I am extremely active, I enjoy running, hiking, surfing, working out, and I attend kickboxing classes several times a week; I love being outside and out on the water whenever possible. I'm looking to be matched up with a woman with similar interests, someone that will get up in the morning and go for a run with me, and isn't afraid to get a sweat on. I don't want to be matched with a woman who is afraid to get a little dirt under her nails and or breaking her nails."

"I know the chances of me being chosen for the show are slim as I'm sure you receive many applicants, but I want to reiterate that I'm not looking for the exposure being on the show will give me; I already have a successful practice working with a few professional sports teams in and around the greater Atlanta area. I am looking for a partner, someone I can spend the rest of my life with and raise a family with."

"Thank you for considering my application. Please find attached with this video the completed questionnaire and photographs requested from all applicants. I look forward to hearing from you soon."

Avery sits at her desk looking at the screen in front of her, before finally deciding to hit the send button. Once it disappears into cyberspace, she picks up her phone and sends a message to her sister Sadie, who lives in California.

New Message

Avery: I just submitted an application to appear on the reality show, "I Said Yes to Marrying a Complete Stranger," when it comes to Atlanta in a few months.

Sadie: You did what?

Avery: Exactly that, I applied to be on a reality show. I'm tired of being alone, I'm closing in on 30, and I want to have someone waiting for me when I get home. You are incredibly fortunate that you have Brant and the kids; I haven't been so lucky, so I figured why not give this a chance.

Sadie: What happens if you are chosen?

Avery: I have to go through a series of interviews with some professionals and be vetted before being chosen. They want to make sure I'm mentally stable, and in it for the right reasons, I guess.

Sadie: Aren't you concerned about who they will match you up with?

Avery: Of course, I am, but they will have to go through the same process as me, and I trust that the professionals know what they are doing, plus I don't even know if I'll be chosen.

Sadie: So, what is the deal with the show, like how does it work? You know I don't really watch reality television.

Avery: The network sets up everything. I show up, meet my wife at the altar, get married, have a reception with our families and friends, then we are sent on a honeymoon and when we come back deal with real challenges as a married couple. I may end up having to move out of my apartment for the duration of the show, which is 8 weeks unless we decide that she is moving in with me. It's all really subjective right Sadie, so I won't know the finer details until later and if I'm chosen.

Sadie: Ok, wow, still trying to wrap my head around this but I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't have gone ahead with it unless you had balanced out the pros and cons of it. I only ask that you allow me to be at Mom's house with her when you decide to tell her that you're getting married to a complete random.

Avery: We both know that Tucker isn't getting married anytime soon, she'll probably be happy to have something to brag about to her friends at book club.

Sadie: True. I can just imagine that conversation, "Girls, today we are going to talk about Oprah Winfrey's latest recommendation, oh and my daughter is going to be on a reality show about marrying a stranger."

Avery: Sounds about right, anyway, I have a session that I need to get ready for, give my love to the fam.

Sadie: I will love you.

Avery: Love you too.

Avery puts her phone down, and there is a knock on the door, getting up to answer it, she finds that her client has arrived a few minutes early. She lets the football player in and directs him over to the couch, while she finishes gathering what she needs.

Kelley POV

Meanwhile, across the city ....

USWNT and Utah Royals star defender, Kelley O'Hara and her sister Erin are hanging out in Kelley's downtown Atlanta apartment.

"Kelley, c' mon, it will be good for your image."

"Erin, you're my sister, and I love you, but there is no way in hell, I'm agreeing to do a reality show about marriage. I'm not that desperate, look at me, chicks line up to be with me. Why would I even consider this?"

"Kel, have you even looked at how much they're willing to pay you for 2 months of your time? And it would be filmed mostly in your offseason, so you wouldn't have to worry about any major conflicts in scheduling. Not to mention, it's the chicks lining up at the door that have created your image issue, to begin with. Sponsors want to see you settle down Kel, you need to tone down on the partying and sleeping around."

Erin hands the paperwork over to Kelley to look at their offer.

"Really? They are willing to give me a cool million to marry some random chick and shack up with her for 2 months?"

"Yep and the woman they match you up with would be completely vetted by a team of professionals."

"I'm not convinced. Er, what if they match me up with a complete whack job or what happens if she is ugly?"

"I'm certain they aren't going to match you up with someone who isn't attractive Kel if they do then hope she is good in bed and turn off the lights."

"You really are my sister, aren't you?"

"Yes, now what do you think?"

"All right, I'll do it, but just so you know if something happens to me, it will be all your fault; and rest assured my ghostly being will come back to haunt your ass."

Erin laughs at the younger O'Hara's words, "Now, are you going to tell Mom and Dad about this or should I?"

"Isn't, "I Said Yes to Marrying a Complete Stranger," one of Mom's favourite shows?"

"It is, how do you think I found out about the filming in Atlanta? Mom told me, and I went online and found out more about."

"How about we wait until it's for sure that I'm appearing on the show and then break it to Mom with her favourite bottle of wine?"

"Sounds like a plan." 

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