The addictions HAVE to stop!!

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Toms pov

Tord walked in and he smelled like smoke what the he- Edd cut me off saying Matts in the room no cussing Matt looked at Tord and said "Todd your back," then looked and saw Edd and blushed then said "H-hey Edd." then I yelled "just shut up Matt we all know to like Edd" Matt ran up stairs crying "how could you" Edd said running up stairs, I looked at Tord and said "why the frick are you smoking still after I told you to stop?!?!" Then he said "why are you still drinking? !?! THen after I told you to stop?! huh?! Tell me!?" I slapped him and saw tears draining down his face, he turned his cheek and ran up stairs.

Tords pov

I walked out the door and then pulled out a cigarette "been a long time since I smoked one of these babys" I said I walk a little then saw Josh walking then I ran to a group of people smoking and asked to use one of there jacket I put it on and saw Josh walk bye then Edd following -Oh no- I thought a couple of minutes later I saw Edd and I expected the worst he said, "Tord I cut him off saying I know I know don't smoke" I was done anyway I threw it on the ground and stomped it out. we walk in silence the whole way home I knew Tom would yell at me when we got home so I manned up and told my self if he hits you don't let the tears drain out. An couple minutes later we got home and .. Yup...I was right.. He yelled at me, Matt was sitting in the living room watching spongbob he looked at the door when we walked in and Matt said "Todd your home!"And then he saw Edd and he blushed and smiled and said," H-hey Edd" then Tom yelled " we all know you like him just shut up " and Matt ran up stairs crying and then he started yelling at me He slapped me and the tears started rushing I ran up stairs I ran in my room locked the door and opened the window I was ready to jump then Tom pounded on the door and said "I know what your doing and it won't solve your problems" I don't listen  to him so I jump I woke up in my room, it all happened so fast I was just questioning everything  Tom was sitting by my bed "Tord!!" Tom screams and then hugs me "why and how did you save me?" I say " how or why first? "  i don't fu- he cut me off saying " how okay, you were jumping and then I ran out side and cough you it knocked you out so I brang you inside and put you on your bed and waited for about 15 minutes for you to wake up and yeah "" why did you though? " i said.  " w-w-well because... I LOVE YOU OKAY JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! "He said then he left "did that just happened?" I say 

 Matt pov

Todd got home and I yelled "Todd your home" then I saw Edd I could feel my face burning up, -Oh no I am blushing - then I said with a studder in my voice "H-h-hey Edd" then Tim yelled at me I started crying and them I ran up stairs I slammed my door and then Edd ran in my room "Matt are you alright?!?!" Edd screamed " NO NO I AM NOT DON'T YOU GET IT I LIKE YOU AND YOU DON'T LIKE ME YOU LIKE T-IM SO JUST GET OUT!!!! " I said with anger in my voice then Edd with a soft voice said "No no no don't you get it I love you not Tom" "stop lying to me just because  I am different" I said then he kissed me and I my face turned got pepper red and we say there for a-bout 1 minute kissing than we decided to tell Tom and Tord. We just talked and laughed and said all the embarrassing times we had.

Hey guy's sorry I didn't make this till like half a year later so yeah I hope you liked it I will try to post more! 😀✌

Secret love 💘💘💘Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat