1: the sick excuse

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You Know, we prepare for dying our entire lives, us CFers. At first i thought it was funny like 'oh i'm gonna die!' But when you can't breathe and suffocate to get more air it starts to get terrifying.

I was 13 when i had my first death scare, i was all like 'wow am i really gonna die a virgin?'. It happened while i was a sleep, i went into lung failure, and i stopped breathing.

While my parents have always thought i wasn't conscious through it, but i was and i knew what was going on, heard my mothers screams, i heard everything. But enough of that sappy crap.

"Shit! i forgot my inogen" i frustratingly said while looking frantically for it. "Watch your language jenissa!, just because you're sick gives you no right to have bad language" my mother scolds.

ah here we go again, not using my disease as an excuse lecture. I have never in my life used my disease as an excuse, it felt wrong. People say i'm a lot like my aunt claire, i don't see it.

"I have never used it as an excuse and never will! stop using that card" i whined. "Don't you sass my young lady!" my mom jokes while getting ready for work.

I absolutely adore my mother, when my mother and father found out i was born with CF my father bailed, said he couldn't deal with a sick kid, a coward is what he is.

So my mom had to do this all alone with the help of my grand parents of course. Even though my father bailed my grandparents didn't and i'm forever grateful.

Once my father wanted to come back into my life when he saw me and my mom doing good on the news, but my grandparents never let him, we never saw him again after that day.

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