3: green boy and cupcake

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As the many doctors rush me to the emergency room all i could think of is, 'am i gonna die a virgin?' again with this question but at 17. It's kinda hard finding boys that think not being able to breathe is cute.

"Hi jenissa how are you feeling?" Mrs allie asks me i manage to croak out with my dry mouth "not too well" she has the nerve to laugh, i wasn't joking. "so we need to get you a few scans to see what is going on with your lungs that sound good?" i nod.
"So it sees that your right lung has collapsed" She says as if it is nothing but i'm in full shock. I start to cry as my mother and alex move over to comfort me. "It's gonna be okay baby all you need is to be careful and wait for new lungs" my mother soathes. "but what if they take forever to come and it's too late?!" i sob. "i swear to god jenny don't think like that you are gonna be fine okay!" alex shouts as continues to hug me.

I hear vomiting in the curtain next to mine, i peak and i see a gorgeous but green looking boy vomiting in a garbage can. Alex pulls me back "what do you think you're doing?!" he whisper shouts. "um i wanted to know who was vomiting next curtain" i smile my innocent smile. Alex smiles back and says " well he's a fine looking one but without the green of course" he joked and i snort really loud. oh shit

I see green boy peak through the curtains and looks at me and alex curiously. Me and alex look like we're dating because we are cuddling but we are not. And like the bestfriend he is he says " did you know ryan trosoph kissed me yesterday i mean i thought he was straight but boy he wasn't!" alex smiled. i wondered if it was true, ryan would always give alex side glances but alex never thought anything of it.

"So why are you here cupcake? green boy asks "well -" "HER LUNG COLLAPSED" alex blurted. He was never good with secrets, this is why no one told him anything after they were sure it wouldn't affect anything if he blurted it out like he did just now. way to go alex i rolled my eyes.

"oooh cancer?" he asks i shake my head no "then what cupcake?" he walks over to where i am and sits in the guest chair. "what's with all the questions green boy? i challenge. "green boy?" his eyebrows shoots up, " i mean you look green so i call you green boy like you call me cupcake it's our thing" i smile creepily hoping he would go back behind his curtain, he didn't.

" I asked a question cupcakeee" greenboy teases. i give in hoping he would leave me alone after i finally tell him. " i have cystic fibrosis" i answer. " what's that?" he looks curious so i answer " its a dying disease in my lungs where mucus gets in them and i can't breathe on my own" i state sad because it reminds me that i have a collapsed lung. " so since i answered you green boy, why are you here?" i ask, "stupid stomach bug that was going around school and i got it because someone sneezed on me, it was fucking disgusting" i wince at how hard he said fucking. " wow how sad" i say sarcastically.

"Well good luck but now i have to sob about my collapsed lung ta ta!" i sing while shutting the curtains. "Oh no you don't!" he swings the curtains back open. What is up with this guy?

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